Sitemap - 2024 - @EmilyTVProducer
How not to let them kill more people
The 2025 BINGO Card Part I: Pandemic
WATCH Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, When Asked When He is Going to Get the Covid Jab
The Evil of Fauci: Child Experimentation and a Mass Grave of Orphans
Cancer & The Joe Tippens Protocol
The Censorship Cartel: How Biden and Big Tech Colluded to Silence Americans
...And this 'fact-check' deliberately misleads, so the reader tunes out.
My head hurts. Check this out.
But this time, no one's falling for it.
The EU tyrants are having trouble getting a majority...
Man's arrogance knows no bounds.
He probably wishes he'd told them to FUCK off.
AI World and the Cashless Society
This is the article I meant to attach to my post about Gavin Newsom.
Of course they've been executing a 'New World Order' to achieve 'One World Government'
The Californiafication of California
Why is Dr. Scott Gottlieb so desperate to keep Robert F. Kennedy Jr. out of Trump's cabinet?
Covid was a sham and a disaster.
Sunday Funday: CDC Says Your Kids WILL Be Poisoned
Corrected text for the Andreesson 'debanking' video
This 57-second clip is chilling.
This piece addresses excising the cancer within our government.
This is why kids & adults are sick and dying.
A cocktail-napkin doodle lays out the structure of the control grid that controls us
While the election of DJT bought us some time to put the pieces back together again & clean house...
Some facts about the history of the CIA and its torture programs
A must-read for those who genuinely care about the environment (and corruption)
Anyone who displays this is either stupid or evil...or both.
The NYT once again, spreading the Disease Disinformation Disease...
To your friends and family who blithley (and naively) proclaim, "Just print more money."
The COVID Cover-Up: 19 Questions We MUST Answer
The Slippery Slope Begins: SPLC's Doxxing of Journalists Puts Press Freedom at Risk
Decades of propaganda and greed are why we are where we are.
Hey Climateers! The Agenda(™) you've been told to worship is making the world filthier.
What happens when a Lizard Person(™) hijacks human health?
Probably a good idea to read this, as opposed to skimming. The 'receipts' are stunning.
Trump is inheriting a TURD of an economy
This is some diabolical shit:The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide
Five @X posts for your consideration
Podesta Pal, Pizza, Pedophilia (and preservation)
Stanford medical professor brings receipts: Covid was a $900M taxpayer-funded propaganda war
Reminder: no such things as 'trans kids,' 'clean energy,' or 'hate speech.'
NOT HYPERBOLE: We're about to enter the Digital Dark Ages (ripped from Business Insider)
"Government officials are threatening to not certify a Trump 2024 win."
Surge Pricing isn't the worst part of this.
U.S. Military Now Authorized to Kill Americans on U.S. Soil?
I blame the distracted masses who are okay going along to get along.
A great post about the present & future
Could the Bureau of Prisons Determine the Presidential Election?
The U.S. Government Is Dramatically Expanding The Use Of Facial Recognition Technology
Sasha Latypova's Substack on the Covid countermeasures from 12/2022
These people know how to have a good time.
"This should terrify all who love their freedom."
Defcon 1: Human Rights Under Attack
Don't let ANYONE bully or guilt you into getting the latest Covid injection.
Biden admin greenlit Israeli aggression in Lebanon
Who Knew That Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff Is a First-Class Prick?
California has perfected the perpetuation of a pandemic of fear-porn.
Fox News is to CNN-MSNBC as Trump is to Harris
Every 'event' is a manufactured FEAR op
Industrial Body Dissociation, Colonization, and the Myth of Transgenderism
I don't want to hear about or watch any whining about what's going on in Springfield, OH.
My favorite Substacker has posted something I suggest you read.
The Hate-Crime Commissar of New Normal Berlin
You need to be ready for what these Elite scumbags have in store.
Chop, chop, chop goes the edit console.
January 20, 2017 was a grim day for Permanent Washington.
And Yes, She Intends to be Queen of Clown World...
Of course she said it & of course she's gunning for the guns (3/3)
Of course she said it & of course she's gunning for the guns (2/3)
Of course she said it & of course she's gunning for the guns (1/3)
9/11 coverage you probably never saw
1100% Increase in U.S. Military Morbidity and Deaths - US Lawyer Speaks Out
Seeding the narrative to sow division
The Intelligence Industrial Complex, Vaccines, Money Laundering & Depopulation
This Man Speaks For Millions When He Blasts The Lies Of The Harris Parade
Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced taxpayers for billions to give to left-wing groups and lawyers
Subversion of the U.S. Constitution
This is coming for you, America. But first stop: CALIFORNIA
An open letter to Time Magazine
It could NEVER happen in MY neighborhood!
When the misinformed ask,'How could you vote for DONALD TRUMP?!'
It cannot be overstated: they are at war with us.
I have long had the feeling that California will find a way to do this.
BREAKING: Apple is Set to Automatically Delete the Telegram App from Your iPhone
Crisis actors are gun grabblers
Venezuelan Gang Tren de Aragua and others Overtake Aurora, Colorado Apartment Complex
The Internet of Homes: Karen-Cam Network
A reptile, a dickhead, and a deranged demagogue
RFK Jr's full speech (text & video)
Stop overreacting to the Harris price caps on food proposal
Share this, even if it pisses people off.
Again: The Climate Agenda is NOT about saving the environment.
The US is messed up, and everyone but the mainsteam media and the government knows it
Uniting to question the narrative is the way -- the only way.
Is 1984 going missing from your library too?
Pharma is a cartel. So is Big Food.
REALITY: First airline to ABANDON 2030 climate goals
I am so (fucking) sick of having to repeat this to the people still in denial about the injections.
On the way to murdering dissidents, they'll un-humanize you.
Listen to or watch Jay Dyer's monologue. It's worth your time.
How long until enrollment falls off a cliff?
Why voting against the censors is existential
A New Mt. Rushmore of White Supremacy
Tedros the Tiresome Totalitarian
This is what we're up against.
Wind Turbine Blades: an Environmental Disaster from Start to Finish
Blackrock has already reset the planet. Eventually we will in fact, own NOTHING.
Jordan Schachtel defines extremist.
Responsibly written piece that makes no accusations or assumptions
I urge you to read this short piece. It's over-the-target.
INDUCING FAMINE: Agricultural officials raise concerns over big banks’ ESG & climate agendas/CFACT
Jail and martial law for BIRD FLU
On the profound stupidity of C02 scapegoating
The ‘Food Transition’ Is a War on Food, Farmers and Everybody Worldwide
Planetary Regime: The Globalists' Blueprint in Their Own Words
Homo Sovieticus: A Warning from History
The criminals who wrecked our world, from the environment to civilized society...
A million views in 20 hours: You best pay attention to this
BBC Staff Complain They Are Catching Lots of Infections (They Don’t Know Why, But I Do)
Elite Technocrats in the West are cutting us a thousand times until we bleed out...
#WID SALE: Today Is World #Ivermectin Day!
How to make 'right-wing' terrorists...FBI style!
While we're busy watching deadly political war games...(and Netf**x)
VP Kamala Harris Had 92-Percent Staff Turnover During Her First Three Years
The Tyranny of the Federal Government
Covid tyranny sparked curiosity & a craving for the truth
Shelley isn't exactly the tinfoil-hat-wearing kinda guy.
WHAT? - Bill Gates FAKE lab made "butter"
Cluck off, fear porn peddlers & 'pandemic' grifters
Background: Austin Private Capital's short of $DJT
The Universe Strikes Back at Crowdstrike
Instead of cross-posting, which tends to get fewer views...
Take 2 (read this one!) Once you go black-pilled...
Unveiling the Sinister Agenda: The International Bird Flu Summit and the Next Man-Made Pandemic
PSYOP-DISEASE-X Rising: CDC Fearmongers Bird Flu Followup Scamdemic
‘Sharp Fiberglass Shards’ from Broken Vineyard Wind Turbine Blade Closes Nantucket Beaches
A breathtaking post about The Overton Window
If Trump's being set up to take the fall for this Regime's destructive policies
VIR-X BACK IN STOCK SALE: The Most Potent Immune Support Nutraceutical
WRONG BODIES: A Castration Cult
Project 2025: A Nothing Burger Being Used to Rally the Democrat Base
EXCLUSIVE: The Hidden History of Robert Mueller’s Right-Wing Terror Factory—Part 1
Bloomberg reports on the Green Grift ...celebrity Green Grift, no less
Is it wrong that I wish for homeless encampments to pop up in areas where Lefties vote for Leftists?
Rockefeller FUNDS 990 climate activist groups. Likely also 9 more.
Have this accessible at your 4th of July BBQ
BREAKING: Who is Running America? 565 Staffers At The White House Cost Taxpayers $61 Million
Net Zero will Destroy You, Your Family and Everything You Love
“Water” will “deliver” where “Covid” and “climate change” both “failed.”
Why Donald Trump cannot be president
Prison Camps for Political Dissidents in All 50 States
The UN: "We must all work to eradicate (hate speech) completely.
Like I said, they're coming for your coffee. This is part 2.
Dear people of quality: This is for you
IT HAS BEGUN: Scan your eyes to pay
Send This Article to People Who Say “Ivermectin Doesn’t Work for Covid-19”
Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says
They're coming for your coffee.
Enormous Mobs Are Literally Taking Over The Streets Of Major U.S. Cities On A Nightly Basis
The Government's War on "Backyard" Farms
Brain tech going in our head phones watches and other body proximate technology
Putting this creep in the hot seat did nothing but give him the chance to repeat destructive tropes
The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted
Stop saying they're coming for the KIDS.
Fauci is the single most destructive force of the 21st century, and he must be held accountable
Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address Mass Contamination of Blood Supply
Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’
What does Moderna know that Pfizer doesn't?
Doing the hard work: Children's Health Defense
Podcast: The Bird Flu Pandemic operation; what’s really going on?
Climate Minute we will all be fellow power deprevees if we follow the climate crowd
The COVID-19 Endgame: Global Governance, “Digital Tyranny” and the Depopulation Agenda
It's Time To Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty
Breaking (if you haven't seen it): American Senators warn Admin about the World Health Organization
Stop The WHO Treaty and Reject the Amendments
‘Disinformation Czar’ Jankowicz Returns as Head of New Project Before Election
I love this expression: eat a bag of dicks.
Global Health "Security" and Climate Emergency
Covid is even affecting our pets
They Think We Are Stupid, Volume 8
Random Shit-posting & Righteous Fear-Mongering
about that guy who set himself on fire - part deux
Bad News for the COVID Vaccinated
This is what I would do if I were vaccinated against Covid-19.
about the guy who set himself on fire...
Biden Administration Announces New ‘Global Health Security Strategy’
ADDENDUM: Everybody Is Looking At Illegal Immigration All Wrong
Oh, the unintended consequences!
Everybody Is Looking At Illegal Immigration All Wrong
Can Pet Vaccinations Cause Cancer in Cats & Dogs?
Yuval Harari, the transhumanist terrorist
"Anti-SLAPPED! - Why a City Hall Operative Will Soon Cough-Up Cash" by Daniel Guss
The Era of Informed Consent is Over
We hate to break it to them, but the existence of a climate emergency is far from settled
Probably one of the creepiest analysis yet
16 minutes of your time (or 8 on 2X)
New York, Detroit, Los Angeles, San Francisco And Baltimore Were Once Such Beautiful Cities…
How A Handful Of Billionaires Created The Transgender "Movement"
Elite Uniparty Trash in D.C. hates you. It's going to get worse.
While they have us warring over wars and fighting a full-blown border invasion...
Canada to Incorporate Social Scores in Banking
How a handful of billionaires created the transgender "movement"
Your doctor-patient relationship is on the line, as is your freedom.
On Today’s Absurd New York Times Hit Piece
Bill Gates hates trees and people. Bill Gates hates Mother Nature.
More people will read this if I post with an original title
Texas Wild Fires and Directed Energy Weapons
As Tedros keeps lying, I have to keep correcting him.
UPDATE: Doctors Warn mRNA "Vaccines" Could Spur Epidemic of Prion Brain Diseases
"Karen Bass in PETA's Dog House" by Daniel Guss
With no due respect: Fuck Harvard.
The ever-expanding Parallel Universe
Vanity Fair Goes Full Creepy: Video Of Nicole Kidman Pretending To Enjoy Eating Worms
Why the Covid-19 Vaccines Had to be Forced on the Entire Planet
21 Key Issues Plaguing America
In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, February 27-March 4, 2024
57,000 Reasons - and Counting Every Day - Why You Need an AR-15
Nick Saban calls out today’s greedy athletes
The USA Is In A Crisis Of Tyranny - We Must Not Forget The J6 Prisoners!
Must-Watch Episode 32: The Psychology of Totalitarianism with Mattias Desmet
Reclaim the Net: Meta Launches Real-Time Content Censorship Unit for 2024 Elections
“The Obamas Are RUNNING the Country” - Victor Davis Hanson
WARNING: Self-Spreading Vaccines Are Closer Than You Think
Qualification is no longer a qualification
Another Vaccinated Pilot Telling the Truth
Free speech is under attack all over
A dire warning from genius attorney Harmeet Dhillon
I'm pretty sure we're in the Fascist-Hell-on-Earth phase of their Reset
Degaussing of minds (10 paragraphs)
What would it look like if FDA, LAT, NYT, PR, and the TeeVee had an orgy?
Financial Big Brother is Watching You
A haiku by yours truly, a warning from a physician who doesn't spread fear-porn, and a poll!
Writer unknown: A thought exercise for people 'on the fence'
"Family Abolition" and the COVID Pandemic
If you know someone who actually believes the jobs numbers...
Reason: Controversial Surveillance Law Up for Renewal (Again) in April
The bad guys are just so bad & so numerous.
Trillions Spent on ‘Climate Change’ Based on Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say
About the bio-engineered influenza known as 'Covid'
I am confident you will 'enjoy' this essay
"Take a human, cut him open, and look inside"
What the WEF/Neocons/Blob are thinking
WOAH: Bill Gates invested MILLIONS in BioNTech JUST BEFORE covid
Freedom of Information Requests
Ladies & Gentlemen, I present Lord Douchebag Gavin Newsom
Coming Soon to a 15-Minute City Near You: China’s Algorithms of Repression
Global News: A "Seahorse Dad", Trudeau tanks, and France Joins the Resistance
Now it's your backyard gardens
Phew! That MAID video is evidently SATIRE....
Covid Having Failed to do the Job, Bill Gates Is Making a Second Run at culling the population
"It's okay to pass away!": Assisted suicide pitched, on YouTube, to Canadian CHILDREN
#ShortStack: The Democrat party is crapping all over the communities it claims to serve & protect.
Shocking Poll Exposes How Much the Top 1% Hate Us, especially the Ivy League Elites
"A Gratifying Irony" by Daniel Guss
MONEYCIRCUS: Germany returning to Fascism...or vice versa?
The Irony of Digital Censorship
What keeps me up at night & what helps fight the insomnia
Ironic, yet fitting: Fascist corporate media crafts fake narrative about Nazism on Substack
Normies still don't get how they've been played on this one topic (which is a whole lotta topics).
kitten corner: obsessive climate disorder
This Video Can Stop Totalitarianism
New Mexico’s Democrat Governor Pushes Another Outrageous Round of Gun Control Proposals
Potential PSYOP Incoming: Google Preparing For "Sensitive Event"
Globalists Move To Increase Control of Information shared via Mobile Phones
I Published Another Op-Ed About The Lies Dr. Fauci Tells To Congress
CLIMATE MADNESS: Wind turbines FREEZING in the cold
At Davos, WEF to warn of a 'Disease X' with '20x more fatalities' than Covid-19
STUDY ANALYSIS: More Plant-based Propaganda
Am I the only one having trouble reserving a private jet?
The First Amendment, Brought to You By Pfizer – Brownstone Institute
Astrophysicist Drops a Nuclear Bomb on the Entire Climate Change Narrative
The American Psychological Association Wants (More) Federal Funding To Curb Online “Misinformation”
Reflections on the Bret Weinstein Interview
Censors Are Trying to Trick You Into Thinking Substack Has a "Nazi Problem"
Why Aaron Rodgers Is Still Furious About COVID
Climate crank John Kerry to lead 2024 Biden Admin delegation to Davos
Moderna’s Influence Over the US and UK Governments Is More Than Most Realise
The single most important interview I've ever done: former Kaiser nurse Gail Macrae
They Think We Are Stupid, Volume 4
The Names & Faces of the 150 Bilderbergers Who Manipulated the COVID-19 Pandemic Response