They're coming for your coffee.
The minute I heard this story on radio news, I knew it was sus.
Some current areas of research interest include (emphasis mine):
• Sustainability and re-purposing of coffee cherries
• Agricultural outreach and extension
• Fermentation microbiology
• Genetics
• Chemical and biological degradation during green bean storage
• Chemical kinetics and reaction pathways during roasting
• Flower synchrony
• Energy efficiency during roasting and brewing
• Identification and characterization of flavor molecules
• Food safety issues, especially in cold brew
THEY’VE ALREADY BEEN AT IT FOR A WHILE. (click images for link)
He said, “Basically, the coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee. So we should all know that this is — every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”
Elsewhere, the WEF contributor told his fellow panelists about how there is an opportunity to re-organize the coffee industry, which he noted is a “$250 billion market globally” to make it more eco-friendly and to address the fact that “most of coffee growers live below the poverty line.”
Tech journalist Tim Hinchliffe, who originally posted the clip to the platform, interpreted Keller’s points to mean that coffee growers are going to be stripped of their livelihoods by massive corporations.
He posted, “They’re going after coffee farmers. When he says production is ‘fragmented,’ he’s saying it has yet to be captured by corporations & centralized. The coffee farmers in the globalist-termed ‘global south’ are to be stripped of their livelihoods in the name of climate justice.”
Hinchliffe added, “He’s putting a guilt-trip on coffee drinkers for supporting poor coffee farmers because they don’t know any better in their ‘monoculture’ endeavors. It’s all a power grab to seize land and the means of production to carbon tax you and I to oblivion.”
“Think of this center as a hub of all things coffee,” Chancellor Gary S. May told attendees at the grand opening celebration. “Together, we bring rigorous coffee science and cutting-edge technology to the world stage.”
In addition to the chemical, physical, and biological sciences, UC Davis said there is growing interest in understanding the social, cultural, and psychological aspects of coffee, and will provide robust opportunities for collaboration with colleagues in the humanities and social science programs.
Yeah, I think it goes like this:
"What do the peasants like? What do they depend on? We'll destroy all of it."
They pretty much decimated live entertainment, and now they're going after our food, especially things that are in reality good for us.