James Lindsay, anti-Communist
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It's almost impossible to understand what's going on with the Leftist use of the word "hate" unless you understand that they believe that the only people who are truly human are Communists. That's a fundamental Communist article of faith going back to Marx, btw.
Let's start with Marx, in the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 (before the Communist Manifesto and more foundational):
His transcendent Communism is described as "the complete return of man to himÂself as a social (i.e.* human) being."That's just one example. Marx used some variation on the word "human" over 300 times in those essays, very many of which indicating specifically that man is only truly human when he's a socialist. He even described (see above) his philosophy as "fully developed humanism."
So let's talk about the word "hate."
The failure of the Woke Australian breakdancing PhD is being characterized as "sexism" and "hate." What does that mean? It means that we don't have the capacity to see the "fully developed humanism" of the Woke, thus "hate" it, so also her.In fact, it's worse than that. Not appreciating that ridiculous deconstructive "breakdancing" routine (which earned ZERO points) is a specific kind of hate: sexism, a hatred of "women." This apparent absurdity is where we can start to make sense of what's going on here.
Imagine you believed the only women who count as "women" are people (some of whom are male) who identify as women and hold a Communist worldview on what it means to be a woman. Hating "women" now just means "hating" Communists who speak feminist Communism.
But you don't actually have to *hate* anyone or even Communism to qualify as doing "hate" against Communists. You only have to disagree with them or fail to advance them for their enlightened status, regardless of the quality of their works. That's "hate."
But disapproving of a bad breakdancing routine is "hating women" because it doesn't see the enlightened feminist (Communist) light shining through, and in fact denies it, and women are a class whose only true representatives are people who identify as such and affirm it.
The same thing goes any time you criticize any article of feminism, which is taken to represent the enlightened view of what it means to be a woman in a society with a patriarchal oppression dynamic. To fail to affirm that Elect view is to hate what it means to truly be a woman.
The same thing manifests in all the domains of Woke Marxist thought. Take Queer Theory. If you don't affirm a drag queen grooming children or "transgender" identity and social and medical mutilation, you "hate" "LGBTQ" people, or do "anti-LGBTQ hate," as they phrase it.
Again, not affirming the Communist Elect view of what it means to hold a certain "backwards" (to use the old Soviet term for it) identity characteristic is to *hate* that identity group and "do harm" to its members through your "hate."
We could repeat this over and over and over with any example you want because it's all the same: CRT, disability studies, fat studies, whatever. This is why it's reproducible in completely uninformed idiots. It's a social impulse of extreme simplicity: affirmation or hate.
So we started the thread with a graphic showing Donald Trump and a command to "stop hate." That's what the program is about: setting up censorship, precensorship, and purge campaigns that use this "affirm Communism or it's hate" model of approaching life. "Hate" must be stopped!
So, you end up with lots of powers corrupted by (that is, trapped into affirming, so as not to hate) or deliberately pushing this catastrophic framing, most obviously in campaigns to "stop hate speech." I mean state powers like national governments in Australia, UK, Canada, etc.
Now we understand what "hate speech" is, though: it's any speech or symbolic act that fails to affirm, denies, counters, refuses, objects to, or criticizes Communist ideology as it's being applied through an identity politics model, and it has to be "stopped" despotically.
Thus we also see the necessity of an identity politics for "the people" (who affirm Communist faith). Identity politics makes "the personal is political" truthy. It ties the ideology to identity so this "hate" spell works upon the population in its divisive, controlling way.
In the Industrial (20th century) Communist states, USSR and PRC especially, the tool for controlling speech and thought to stamp out "old," "bourgeois," or "rightist" values that don't affirm Communism, was the "dictatorship of the proletariat."
It doesn't matter if you read Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Lukacs, or almost any other 20th-century Communist, the dictatorship of the proletariat's main role was not to make society work for the proletariat but to suppress and crush the bourgeoisie and all class and state enemies.
There's perfect consistency across all Communist leaders in 20th-century Communism, despite different contexts and models, that the dictatorship of the proletariat is a suppressive "special coercive power" for crushing people who don't affirm Communist faith. Absolutely perfect.
In the 1960s, after Destalinization made Communists rethink their public brutality, Herbert Marcuse retooled the same idea in a "Liberating Tolerance": "Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left."
Everything that tolerates the right supports "hate." Everything that fails to affirm the Left is "hate." This is what Communists mean by "hate" and "stopping hate," and they hide behind the identity groups they've weaponized through Maoist-style identity politics to do it.
To wrap up, remember, the article of Communist faith is that if you engage in "hate," then it's "like not having a soul," you're not fully human. So if you disagree with them, you're not really human. This applies to all of their token identity groups as much as anyone else.
If you are a woman but don't hold the Communist view of womanhood, you are not a "woman."
If you are a racial minority but don't hold the Communist view of your race, you are not that race. Cf. Biden.
If you are gay or lesbian but don't hold the Communist view, you're not LGBTQ.In fact, by your very identity and denial of the Communist enlightenment you could express through it, you are engaging in hate, merely by being but not by believing. And if you resist them at all, that's hate. And hate is not being human, so you don't count, and worse.
I don't have to say this, but as a final word, if they truly believe that you aren't human, you can imagine what that implies. In practice in the worst regimes (USSR and PRC), you can see cadres torn over this dehumanizing lie, but the tragedies are beyond comprehension anyway.
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Here's a fun fact: the idea of "multiple genders" comes from the Torah.