I urge you to read this short piece. It's over-the-target.
ALSO: See the comments section. AND: buy his well-sourced products.
PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH: The Great Reset Convergence Commenced in Japan
2nd Smartest Guy in the World
Aug 05, 2024
This Substack has been warning of a global financial reset for quite some time now…
PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH: The First Bank Failure of 2024 Leaves a 1-Cent Stock for Investors and $667 Million in Losses for the FDIC
PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH Black Swan Edition: Bank for International Settlements Warns of $100 Trillion of Hidden Debt Just Discovered
December 10, 2022
…and now Japan and the rest of Asia have seen their stock “markets” implode overnight.
From all time highs to bear market: slowly, then all at once…
It is important to appreciate that Japan has been engaging in Quantitive Easing at the behest of the Fed and BIS since well before the Global Financial Crisis, and as such their central bank was and continues to social engineer a negative population growth and zombie economy. As Japan revolts against the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” their captured government has instituted a program of importing mass (replacement) migration into this closed traditional society to further destroy this highest IQ nation to perfectly coincide with their crashing economy and “markets;” in other words, there truly are no coincidences.
Back to the collapsing indices:
And bonds are certainly not immune; quite the contrary, as both stocks and the untenable bond supercycle must crash:
Remember how the PSYOP-19 “pandemic” was released just as the Hong Kong protests were gathering tremendous momentum? A similar situation is rapidly developing in the UK, with Brits finally losing their patience with the illegal Muslim invaders and their perpetual crimes as imported and protected by their criminally captured government:
Meanwhile, Trump is screaming into the politrix void — the same Trump that has no idea about Bitcoin and China — and whipping up his soon to be destitute middle class base:
Which leads us straight into the pre-engineered global “black swan” scam known as The Great Reset:
Let us see if the Plunge Protection Team (PPT) is ordered to rescue US “markets” today, or if they finally let the Ponzi collapse under the weight of their buybacks and profligate central bankster money printing larceny…
Expect more “pandemics,” saber-rattling as Iran is being positioned to kick off WW4 with Israel, assassinations, false flags, psyops, etc. & etc.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Bitcoin is idiotic! Does the Bible mention fake money...NOPE! Gold and Silver! I can't even believe people fell for this crap! Wait...yeah I just wrote something STUPID, because they fell for rona, masks, 6ft apart, giving their animals away or killing them in case they carried rona, that rona can't get you if you wear a mask to the restaurant table then take it off, washing all packages and cans off you bought at the store, waving at mom/dad, grandma, and grandpa through glass and they died anyway, experimental vax's when they've had 40 to make flu vax's work, but DON'T...did I miss anything?!