What keeps me up at night & what helps fight the insomnia
Who exactly are 'They?' And what does the (real) Resistance look like? (Us) Also: This column has a sponsor.
The Elites private-jetted into Davos last week to set the agenda (Agenda 2030, as they call it) for us pesky plebs populating planet Earth. Please take the time to watch the videos. The matter is existential — literally.
Kevin Roberts from Heritage decided to take a shot at them, on our behalf. I hope he has a food-taster and plenty of brake fluid.
(Video is 10:32. Watch by clicking on image. Speed it up if you want. Sorry, I know you’re not stupid.)
I wish this next show below didn’t label itself as ‘Conservative.’ It would be much more palatable to Liberals. But remember, the Marxists have perverted word meanings. Understand that Conservatives are true liberals — who believe in liberty, peace, personal responsibility, free speech, and environmentalism.
Mel K, the guest, lays out who exactly THEY are and what exactly THEIR plans are. By definition, they are fascist and totalitarian (not to mention paranoid, greedy, and lustful for power). This is not a theoretical conspiracy, my dear readers.
(Watch from 1 min, 43 seconds through 58 mins, 10 seconds.)
Council on Foreign Relations (one of the very bad guys among NGOs —pure propagandists)
And finally, my friend and colleague Viva Frei — Canadian lawyer David Freiheit, who moved his family to Florida, to escape Trudeau’s tyranny — posted this rant. He was far too kind to George Soros, who shorted the British Pound and crashed the UK’s economy, in order to enrich himself to become a billionaire. (If Soros suffers from childhood trauma, then he needs treatment. He should not be financing a jihad against basic human rights, as he and equally his maniacal are doing now.)
(16:12 total)
In case anyone didn’t know, the Biden Regime (ahem, Administration) is part of They.
Trump is not only NOT one of They. He’s anti-They.
That is why They want to destroy him. You dig?
I support him and will vote for him for a 3rd time.
If you want to argue with me about...
-Whether he raped that crackpot E. Jean Carroll (See below. Try not to vomit.)
-Whether he considers himself above-the-law
-Is an insurrectionist
-Is to blame for the toxic/deadly Covid shots...(Feel free to blame him for getting duped by proven liars like Fauci & Birx.)
...we’ll take it offline.
NOW, MORE ON (moron!) THAT UNHINGED, UNSTABLE USEFUL IDIOT, E. JEAN CARROLL (click first image to watch both short clips):
Here’s how the corporate clowns at the Associated Press characterized a verdict.
Judge upholds the $5 million jury verdict against Trump in a writer’s sex abuse and defamation case
Kaplan wrote that the jury’s unanimous verdict was almost entirely in favor of Carroll, except that the jury concluded she had failed to prove that Trump raped her “within the narrow, technical meaning of a particular section of the New York Penal Law.”
Emily says - I’m pretty sure this judge thinks HE’s above the law. Nullification is for the rarest of situations. This ain’t one of them.
# # #
Oh yeah, I almost forgot (that’s a total lie!): SLEEP! I am honored to be an official affiliate of The Wellness Company, which sprang to life just as the traditional healthcare industry found itself in the long overdue throes of death, during the gain-of-funciton’d coronavirus societal meltdown. If you’re a mainstreamer, you might find some bullshit story about this company in the ‘approved’ (as in trash) media. If you’re a critical-thinker, maybe you’ll check ‘em out.
ANYHOW, I’m starting to take this compound supplement, to see if I can wean myself off the habit-forming Melatonin (which by NO means is bad). As friends and family know, I’m obsessed with sleep.
I’ll keep you posted. If this, or any other product or service from The Wellness Company interests you, enter promo code EMILYTV at checkout for 10% off.
Nice roundup. I thought this commentary was kind of interesting: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/01/are-our-elites-crazy.php