Even though none of this is conclusive, they’re (ya know) just putting it out there...[emphasis mine]
The comparison revealed consistent positive genetic associations between coffee and harmful health outcomes such as obesity and substance use in both populations. This doesn't mean that someone who drinks coffee is going to use other substances or develop obesity, rather that genetic predisposition for coffee intake is related in some way to these traits, Thorpe said.
The findings became more complicated when looking at psychiatric conditions.
"Look at the genetics of anxiety, for instance, or bipolar and depression: In the 23andMe data set, they tend to be positively genetically correlated with coffee intake genetics," Thorpe said. "But then, in the UK Biobank, you see the opposite pattern, where they're negatively genetically correlated. This is not what we expected."
The researchers noted other dissimilarities between the populations.
"We found positive associations between the genetics of coffee intake measured in 23andMe with psychiatric disorders, but these associations tended to be negative when examined in the UK Biobank," Thorpe said. "These divergences could be for many reasons, like a trade-off between tea and coffee intake differing between people in the U.S. and the U.K."
And this BREAKING non-news:
[emphasis mine]
“Snapchill has provided a wide range of roasters nationwide with ‘Snapchill’ cold coffee since 2019, without any known consumer cases of botulism. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has notified Snapchill that the low acid canned foods process for manufacturing the recalled products was not filed with FDA, as is required by regulation. There is a possibility that the current manufacturing process could lead to the growth and production of the deadly toxin, botulinum toxin, in low acid canned foods. No illnesses have been reported, and Snapchill is not aware of any instances in which the company’s products contained this pathogen. Nevertheless, Snapchill is voluntarily conducting this recall in cooperation with the FDA.
The anti-humans are after you, your food, your drink, your children, your property, your mobility, your bodies, and your brain.
No serious person uses the term ‘climate change’ in the context that the government & activists do. It’s a hoax, to enrich the green grifters — the ones who pollute the planet, while impoverishing humanity.
They can have my cup-o-jo when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.
I wonder if they will attempt to try a tax on coffee like the Tea Act of 1773 or like state tobacco taxes? Politicians love to punish people through taxes.