The irony of digital censorship, should it progress, is that it will force us to go back to analog-physical media — which, by its nature — localizes communication — which, necessarily replaces centralization.
What those bird-brained, inbred Elites seemed to have missed is that those of us who choose not to opt-in to living in their AI-managed gulags will be all the more ungovernable.
So maybe at Davos 2025, they should address the confiscation of crayons and magic markers...and paper, of course.
Meantime, I am honored to be an official affiliate of The Wellness Company, which sprang to life just as the traditional healthcare industry found itself in the long overdue throes of death, during the gain-of-funciton’d coronavirus societal meltdown.
I’m starting to take this compound supplement, to see if I can wean myself off the habit-forming Melatonin (which by NO means is bad). As friends and family know, I’m obsessed with sleep.
I’ll keep you posted. If this, or any other product or service from The Wellness Company interests you, enter promo code EMILYTV at checkout for 10% off.
It’s hard to comprehend that a mere 30 years ago we were living our lives without cell phones, the internet and all the digital gadgets we can’t seem to live without. But we managed just like our ancestry who made do with even less of it. Here’s an idea: besides taking the necessary steps to have enough food and commodities to trade, and a community to start a new beginning, maybe it’s time to stock up on real books, musical instruments, and recordings of all different media. If the natural evolution of the virtual age leads us to the dysfunction dystopian nightmare the psychopaths at the UN/WEF envision for us, I say screw em. I’d rather be in a state of simple enjoyment surrounded by people I love. Maybe the Amish had it right all along.
A famous, malo feline who frequents social media has alluded to this possibility. It’s us vs them.