MONEYCIRCUS: Germany returning to Fascism...or vice versa?
Crisis Update - Germany May Ban Opposition Party
EMILY NOTE: I cribbed this from the Moneycircus Substack. Please, please give the writer a follow!
Globalists desperate as their narrative Babel breaks down
Memorial to Dresden firebombing removed as protestors compare with Gaza
European Commission president says dis- and mis-information the #1 threat
European bureaucrats call in unison to prepare for war with Russia
The real target may that the AfD is the party that opposes war…
as Germans fill streets shouting ‘no to fascism’ — Shouldn’t we listen?
One rule for thee: same policy approved or damned depending on party
Democracy subverted by globalists seeking degrowth and depopulation
WEF openly pushes vaccine passports as the narrative crumbles
As foot soldiers condemn fishing and farming as crimes of ecocide
(2,500 words or about 13 moments of your company.)
Jan 21, 2024
Germany is considering banning its largest opposition party, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) to “protect democracy.”
We can search for the motive by parsing this article in the journal Politico, considered to be required reading in the Brussels lair of European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen. [1]
The media rumour mill churns: AfD members attended a meeting on migrants; some of its members, like Christine Anderson MEP, are leading critics of the Covid response; they're also the main Germany party that opposes war with Russia.
These may be cover stories as we search for the nub or the crux.
As in Britain, the political strings are pulled through present and former members of the state security; in cahoots with ultra-wealthy individuals; in service of those who rule from the shadows.
See: UK Gov Collapsing (Jul 6, 2022)
In the U.S. similar vested interests are trying to keep former president Donald Trump from another term by prosecuting and disqualifying him. Commentators at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week argued that a Trump presidency would have dire consequences for Europe, especially as Trump has criticised NATO in the past.
Adding fuel to fire, this week he declared: “As your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency.”
Thus the talk of banning AfD should be seen as part and parcel of the attempt to exclude Trump in the context of awakening or otherwise alerting the public.
Crisis of trust
The European Commission is unelected; its bureaucrats and commissioners are appointed. As legislatures and political parties become less representative, a growing chorus is worrying that the people will see no reason to obey.
The kommissars therefore ponder if the best way to stop opposition is to ban it.
The EC president Ursula von der Leyen told the World Economic Forum that “for the global business community, the top concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate. It is disinformation and misinformation.”
As the European Commission is run by corporations and bureaucrats — the Parliament is purely advisory, largely toothless — she was telling the truth when she said she spoke for “the global business community.”
European Members of Parliament (MEPs) last week voted 349 to 254 to keep the Commission’s contracts with Pfizer and other Covid-19 “vaccine” companies a secret, successfully blocking public access to vital data regarding the EU’s dealings with shady Big Pharma enterprises.
It is little surprise that the European Parliament building in Strasbourg is redolent of the Tower of Babel, whose construction God confounded by making the people speak different languages. Does that hint at the power dynamics desired by the owner investors?
It is a small step from banning information and opinions, to banning parties and the people's choice. Globalists argued that a ban might “shake voters” out of their complacency — by which they mean to shock them into obedience.
German state security delivered a shock in Dec 2022 when 3,000 armed police and troops stormed 130 locations and arrested 25 individuals, live in front of television camera, accusing an aristocrat, Heinrich XIII Reuss of plotting a coup.
Blissfully free of evidence, the media immediately framed it a defeated coup “to topple the German government, led by a self-styled prince, a retired paratrooper and a Berlin judge, had its roots in a murky mixture of post-war grudges, antisemitic conspiracy theories and anger over recent pandemic restrictions.”
See Weathering The Storm In 2023 (Feb 3, 2023) — subsection Grey Wolf.
The AfD's present crime is that it opposes war with Russia — something desired by the leadership of the U.S., NATO and several European countries.
To quote Politico:
“Like so much of German politics, the conversation is coloured by the country’s Nazi past. In a society mindful that Adolf Hitler initially gained strength at the ballot box, with the Nazis winning a plurality of votes in federal elections before seizing power, a growing number of political leaders, particularly on the left, view a prohibition of the AfD — a party they see as a dire threat to Germany’s democracy — as an imperative rooted in historical experience.”
Banning a party to “save democracy” recalls Time magazine's article The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.
Democracy may be subverted, so long as it is done by the “good club” in pursuit of its policies of degrowth and depopulation (or demographic change, as they call it).
These polices have never been voted by the people or their legislatures. It is cute and curious that they cling to that word democracy, more honoured in the breach. Democracy should be totemic, sacred; instead it is war that has the totemic role in the rewriting not just history but real time.
Doomed to repeat
Before proceeding, consider parallel events.
Last week an inscription was removed from the Dresden memorial to the 30,000 people (some historians say many more) who were incinerated when the U.S. and Britain fire bombed the city in Feb 1945.
Bilt newspaper reported that unnamed bureaucrats had removed the inscription because the “day of remembrance has been repeatedly used for political purposes.”
The real reason may be that Germans see parallels in Gaza with the fate of their ancestors whose carbonised remains were cremated on an open pyre in Dresden's Altmarkt square.
U.S senator Bernie Sanders said on Jan 14 the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza “is worse than” what happened in Dresden.
Germans have filled the streets shouting no return to fascism, in the context of the terror in Gaza and the global assault on farmers. Shouldn’t we take notice when Germans, of all people, warn of totalitarian government incoming?
The West has never acknowledged that it starved perhaps millions of Germans after the war — hardly surprising when you consider there were 11 million displaced persons, eight million of them in Germany — including soldiers in the Rheinwiesenlager concentration camps. Allied commander and future U.S. president Dwight Eisenhower denied them POW status and withheld Red Cross food supplies.
Contradictions abound
Last week the head of Yad Vashem, Israel's top Holocaust museum, rejected a letter from 50 Holocaust researchers asking him to condemn the rash of statements from senior Israeli figures calling for genocide in Gaza.
Yad Vashem, he said, was not interested in the universal lessons of genocide. “Our area of concern is The Holocaust, and only The Holocaust.”
There is your history: to be taken, like medicine, without question.
The Austrian school economist Murray Rothbard once wrote for the Institute for Historical Review that revisionism is the antidote for a public drugged by wartime lies and propaganda. The artificial frenzy of daily events is calmed by the cool light of historical truth.
Last year power brokers dropped their capes and stood butt-naked in their embrace of a Waffen-SS veteran of the massacres in Ukraine.
It is impossible to escape the conclusion that powers and principalities have revealed themselves and that their disguise, the cloak of history, has slipped.
In this world of inversion and projection, president Volodymyr Zelenskiy of Ukraine was elected on a platform to make peace with Russia, promptly began the drive to war, banned opposition parties and media, and closed churches — in the name of saving democracy.
A darling of the European Union, the Polish PM Donald Tusk is purging Polish media of critics. Having accused the Law and Justice party of just such intolerance, the EC now has its own man in charge and has nothing to say about the "rule of law" in Warsaw. [2]
Wandering tales
We see the same game with migration. Politico expresses outrage that AfD members attended a meeting to discuss deporting migrants — while just such a policy has been normalised in Britain.
Regardless that Britain is half in, half out of the EU; it is firmly in the grip of the same globalists running the Commission.
It seems it is perfectly all right to propose deporting migrants to Rwanda, so long as your name is Rishi Sunak and not, say, Roland Hartwig or Alice Weidel.
Repatriation was a word you only heard in Britain from the likes of the National Front or the fearless contrarian and statesman Enoch Powell. Before the year 2000 no-one would dare mention in polite company the idea of sending someone back to their home country.
Yet now they're to be dumped in Rwanda, with which they have no connection, and which already has ethnic tensions which led to tribal genocide just 30 years ago.
“Rishi's flagship Rwanda Bill” — which sounds like a restaurant special menu — is touted by a smooth-talking globalist, and that makes all the difference.
Even the Washington Post finds something wrong. [3]
Are they looking to dilute Tutsi and Hutus out of existence, or hoping the migrants will stoke unrest, providing the excuse for a bankers’ war to intervene in Rwanda as a bridgehead into Africa’s resource-rich Sahel?
We have our suspicions. See Plague, War, Famine... Africa Next (May 31, 2022)
Migration is nothing but a tool in the globalist box to re-engineer society. The reason the European Commission does not like the AfD is because it opposes war with Russia, and the EC is NATO's political presence in Europe.
EMILY NOTE: Read this essay by James Lindsay about the real purpose of mass migration. NOW, back to MoneyCircus:
Jaw, jaw
After statements from Germany, Sweden and the UK — that the world is in a “pre-war state” — admiral Rob Bauer a Dutch naval officer, chairman of Nato’s military committee, told civilians to brace for war with Russia in the next 20 years; to which other ministers have added China and Iran.
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Britain’s foreign minister David Cameron opposed peace talks between Ukraine and Russia. He compared the calls for negotiations to the appeasement of Adolf Hitler by prime minister Neville Chamberlain in the lead-up to the Second World War.
NATO’s largest exercise for decades, known as Steadfast Defender 2024, will deploy 90,000 troops from this week and will continue into May.
This is more blatant than in 1939: Germany's chancellor Olaf Scholz has put the country on a war footing. The German army is preparing for war with Russia, according to a leaked document. Sweden has told thousands of young people will be called in to military duty against their will. Finland has thrown away decades of peaceful coexistence with Russia and accepted a whole series of U.S. military bases on its border with Russia. Poland's new globalist PM says to mobilize against Russia. The EC is trying to bring Ukraine into the EU fold despite majority opposition.
Col Douglas Macgregor notes: “In reality the Ukrainian nation is probably dead. Millions of Ukrainians have left the country and will never go back. Ukraine lost 500,000 soldiers that were killed or seriously wounded according to Yuriy Lutsenko (former prosecutor general). Ukraine is being destroyed.”
Clearly, saving Ukraine was never the objective. For Europe’s chiefs expansionism and war are their best bet to inject new purpose into the Union and to distract from the failings of the euro.
Neuro Davos Rally
The World Economic Forum has just ended its Davos rally, but it was the eunuch of Nuremberg; more a meeting of neurotics than futurists.
Probably the biggest take away was commissioner von der Leyen call for a battle on information so that the globalist could address the “changes in our climate, our geopolitical climate, shifts in our demography and in our technology, spiralling regional conflicts and intensified geopolitical competition and their impact on supply chains.”
There you see the agenda in black and white. Of course, they blame it on imaginary spectres — invisible gases and pathogens, global warning and C02, pandemics we’d not seen since 1918, which are now supposed to be an annual event, and man-made wars. They need to censor anyone pointing that out.
The agenda was spelled out by Queen Maxima of the Netherlands who told the Davos forum that digital identity is good for “knowing who actually got a vaccination or not.”
Here’s my post about that b*tch. Click to access link to video.
I don’t care what anyone thinks of my opinion of Donald Trump. But in case said ‘anyone’ requires more information, he/she is welcome to read this previous column. You’re either on-board with digital slavery, communism, and obedience —
WWII propaganda is still used to bash the German population into compliance. WWII historian David Irving was not thrown in jail because he lied, it was because he was inconvenient.
The blade however seems to be dulling and more people are not bothered by it, particularly the younger generations. I don’t think it will last too much longer.
I recently ran across the documentary Hellstorm on Rumble. Everything we were taught to believe about World War 2 being the “Good War” waged by Us (the good guys) to stop Them (the bad guys) has been totally obliterated. It’s hard to fathom how people can even go on with their lives after being subjected to such cruelty and horror. Watch it if you dare - not recommended before bedtime.