California has perfected the perpetuation of a pandemic of fear-porn.
The CA Regime will do anything & everything to keep residents in a constant state of panic & indebtedness to the benevolent government. Covid is a bad cold or a mild flu. STOP TESTING
The Patch ‘news’papers are a hyper-local version of the national Pravda propaganda outlets.
Let me be clear: I don’t care if you have Covid or had Covid. If you’re sick or getting sick, stay the fuck home and shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear about it.
Californians Can Order Free COVID Tests Again. How To Get Yours.
Updated rapid tests are expected to be able to detect newer variants just as a new COVID variant arrives in California.
Posted Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 12:51 pm PT|Updated Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 1:05 pm PT
CALIFORNIA — Americans can now order another round of free COVID-19 nasal swab tests that will be delivered to homes.
Each household can get four tests through Already have some at home? Check here to see if your tests' expiration dates have been extended.
Shipping forms just opened on Thursday and are free to all residents; access this link to order yours.
Updated rapid tests are expected to be able to detect newer variants just as a new COVID variant, XEC, arrives in California. It is a member of the Omicron family.
The availability of free at-home tests comes just after the Food and Drug Administration approved two updates COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging everyone 6 months or older to get a new shot this fall since last year's shots were geared toward a strain that is no longer around.
As flu and RSV season approaches, health officials recommend residents stock up on tests and update all vaccinations.
The modified mRNA shots are linked to neurodegenerative, cardiac, carcinogenic, cognitive, and inflammatory conditions. And that’s just to name a few. Steer clear of them. Steer clear of all these counter-measures. The FDA and Pharma have license to fast-track them without quality controls or proper testing (randomized controlled trials on human beings, over sufficient periods of time).
I now know (personally) people with severe inflammation (in the form of fluid build-up at the joints), recurring cancer, blood disorder, stroke, Parkinson’s, and death. And it’s not because of cLiMAtE CHanGe.
Covid is an industry.
So is CLIMATE, for that matter.
By the way, I removed the hyper-link pointing to the site that’s giving away the “free” tests.
In closing: this asshole from April Fool’s Day, 2021
Lmao Emily! People are still wearing suffocation devices here on the coast…it’s truly pathetic to behold. The world has lost its’ mind. There truly are stupid sheep among us.
The Omicron family used to live next door to me.
They just hovered around above the neighbors patio cover in the ether. I'd shoot the shit with em all the time once we agreed upon the ground rules. I invited them inside one time but they learned no one in the household was vaxxed and declined cause they could only associate with the vaxxed.
I even offered to make em famous too. Wanted to show em to the world that viruses do indeed exist.
They declined that as well stating they are more scary when you can't see em.
Then a handful of months ago they just up and disappeared.
Well last week I swear I was seeing em hitchen a ride on the side of the roadway. So I's pull over and offer em a lift but I came to find out it was their cuzzins. They declined cause I didn't have junkie tracks on me's arm from the other few hundred jabs.
Well I is sure that soon enuf the Big Guv will be over holding me down and jabb'n me so I won't have those racist ideologies about those foreign viruses.
But I's be savin Grannie then.