Subversion of the U.S. Constitution
We are living in very dangerous times. This -- among other reasons -- is why they want to censor the internet.
Stephen Coughlin
For those interested in a review, the 2018 “ReRembering the Misremembered Left” explained intersectionality in a manner that demonstrates that the Constitution was a primary target of dialectical negation through a specific series of intersectional attacks. If you wait for the “proof,” you’ll be like those senior officers who had a OPs officer point to the sinking ships in Pearl Harbor and say; “ You want your proof? There’s your proof!”
There appears to be a pattern.
YES! It’s incredible how the left wing is attacking the Constitution. They hate free speech. They hate elections they can’t control. It’s whacky world.
Incredible, perhaps but one ought not be surprised. This is an ages old scheme for the Communist takeover of the world and the U.S. is the last obstacle to that wet dream/dystopia that they so seek. No other country concerns them like this because of the very document that you mention. It must be protected because it is not impervious to assault.
That is why they seek to foster as much division in this country, on any subject possible, to create dissension and inflict cracks in the armor so as to bring about it's fall; which it would appear that they are succeeding because, whether they are aware of it, or not, the populace of this country is playing right into their hands.