Super-nerd & TV host, Harrison Smith sums it up pretty succinctly.
So let me see if I have this Crowdstrike story straight…. When Hillary Clinton was Sec. of State, she was illegally funneling sophisticated weapons through Libya to terrorists in the MidEast in an effort to take out Assad in Syria for Israel.
When the weapons transfer went sideways and the US Ambassador was killed in Benghazi, it was discovered she was using an illegal private server for secret communications. She destroyed the server, but not before its contents were leaked by Wikileaks, including communications about bizarre occult rituals and inexplicable code words involving children and pizza. Instead of investigating the leak themselves, the FBI relied on a Crowdstrike investigation that falsely claimed the server was hacked by Russia.
The FBI cleared HC despite admitting she broke the law, and launched the Russiagate investigation, using more fake Clinton campaign disinfo to tie Trump to Russia to get a FISA warrant and spy on Trump while leaking dirt to the press to undermine first his campaign, then his presidency.
When Trump had a call with Zelenskyy and asked about Crowdstrike, a “whistleblower” falsely claimed quid-pro-quo and launched the first impeachment to stop Trump’s inquiries. (It was in the midst of this impeachment trial, btw, when Event 201 took place. But that’s another story.)
Fast forward to 2024 and Trump is dominating Biden when he miraculously survives a deep state orchestrated assassination attempt two days before the RNC. Two days later Crowdstrike causes the biggest computer network crash in all of history, knocking millions of corporate and government systems offline for hours.Other than the fact that Blackrock owns Crowdstrike and a Blackrock affiliated investment firm placed millions of dollars betting against DJT in the hours before the assassination attempt by a shooter who was featured in a Blackrock promo, did I miss anything?
George Soros has his dirty fingerprints on all of this.
If this wasn't all true and didn't piss me off 2020-2024 would make a helluva of book that'd I'd this person has an awesome imagination! But no...sadly it's all real life. 🥴👹 Isn't anyone concerned about this all the sudden fiber optic push when we've HAD fiber optic previously?! No one is talking about that!
I'll add I say 2020 to now, but I realize it started way before! I have NOTHING good to say about fascistbook except at the beginning of the scamdemic when all I had to do was scroll through it I learned ALOT! I never fell for the scamdemic. NONE of it! I was already against vax's. A little too late I'll admit. My only question is...there was so many already onto pizza gate...all of it...why didn't we hear about it until rona?! I never saw that stuff on fascistbook before. Or anywhere! I've always said I am so jealous of out of the box thinkers! I have a cute, little, tidy box with cute windows, and curtains! 🤣 But I have enough common sense to discern between real and bs! Like Q. It was either Trump or bs. I don't fault people for that gave people hope. But then I think was that the false hope that kept us from causing a bitch fit during rona?! I STILL can't believe we didn't all hit every street corner with signs calling it bs!!! That they let loved ones be murdered alone! What will ALWAYS be my biggest gripe...WHY IN THE HELL DID SO MANY DOCTORS AND NURSES GO ALONG AFTER THE MURDERING TOOK PLACE??? They could have single handily stopped this after week one!!! I had nurse friends tell me...We've set up huge tents and nobody's coming and there's rona in the flu vax's DO NOT TAKE THEM! Then it leads to...people are lucky they can breathe and walk at the same time when they make retarded fricking statements like...I won't take the C-19 vax, but I'll still get the flu vax! 🙄🤯 you don't trust the c-19 vax, but you'll trust another that 1 doesn't work and 2 are MADE BY THE SAME DAMN PEOPLE?! We won't even mention the ingredients! 🤦♀️ I'll add this's a stretch, but could have happened with all the people everywhere, that two missed Trump. But THREE bad shooters?! They better be glad for Hell's Gates lab/chemical filled meat because they couldn't hit the backside of a barn let alone a deer!