Probably one of the creepiest analysis yet
The Plutocrats 'war-game' to eliminate The People. Substacker Elliot Middleton does his homework.
An energy crisis appears inevitable
too much instability, too many passions aroused, too much Cabal evil in operation
MAR 26, 2024
Ordo ab chao. I present my hypothesis of what is driving global events.
With the Middle East a tinderbox and Bibi Netanyahu ignoring Biden’s requests not to invade Rafah, Yemini rebels shooting at Chinese and Russian ships they supposedly gave safe passage guarantees, and Joe Biden having already drawn down the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to dangerously low levels, it would take very little to send oil prices skyrocketing. The ZeroHedge article below goes into detail.
My analysis suggests the Cabal requires a major disruption in the West to be matched by a major disruption in China to accomplish their twin goals of starvation and imposition of the Great Reset. Look for more strikes on refineries and pipelines.
The Cabal seems content with quite a bit of infrastructure destruction, as the end state involves a much-reduced population, most living in a state of subsistence. See the image below borrowed from Sage Hanna’s site via Karen Bracken. It is taken from a book by John Coleman from 1992, Conspirators Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. This is speculative, but not implausible, given the enormity of the evil we have already seen from the Plutocrats.
Gas prices are going up. The Cabal doesn’t seem concerned about Joe Biden’s reelection chances, as The Donald and Elon will go along with whatever is required to “manage” North America with a social credit system linked to a digital ID and satellite surveillance of everyone all the time.
The vast majority of national-level politicians are all evidently bought and paid for, so don’t expect any action from them. Many are expecting a 9-11 type “black swan” event in the US to get the trauma going. Center yourself, and be prepared.
The situation today is much like that in 1980, the last time the Fed was fighting inflation. There was an oil price shock in 1979-1980 just as there may be now. The chart below shows inflation (brown) and the 3-month T-bill rate (blue). Note that interest rates peaked after the peak in inflation. Inflation peaked in March 1980, while short-term rates peaked in May 1981 — over a year later! The severe 1981-1982 recession began after the rate peak.
If this scenario plays out, a sharp recession will unfold in the intermediate term, with the possibility of some monetary volatility before the election.