Elite Technocrats in the West are cutting us a thousand times until we bleed out...
And the propaganda has half of humanity under its spell: "No human is illegal! Free everything for the CLIMATE MIGRANTS!"
EU fines Hungary €200 million for refusing open borders
And an additional €1 million every day that they don’t open the borders.
JUL 27, 2024
The top court in the EU just ruled that Hungary shall be fined a whopping €200 million AND a daily €1 million penalty for refusing to open their borders and for having deported people.
Hungary has been one of the few countries in Europe that has not followed the open borders agenda, and now they are being punished for it.
”The ECJ’s decision to fine Hungary with 200M euros plus 1M euros daily(!!!) for defending the borders of the European Union is outrageous and unacceptable” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
Hungary has refused asylum seekers from staying in the country while their asylum applications are being processed.
People who want to seek asylum in Hungary have to do so at their embassies in neighbouring countries and people who try to cross the borders are stopped.
This has been unacceptable to the EU which is now forcing Hungary to open their borders or pay a massive fine.
Recently, Viktor Orbán created a new right-wing alliance called Patriots for Europe that quickly became the third largest group in the EU parliament.
However, the left and liberals have colluded to keep them out of key positions in the EU.
You can read more about that in my previous article here:
The truth about the state of Democracy in Europe.
This is a very important topic that is not being discussed enough in the mainstream media.
The people of Hungary clearly do not want open borders, as they have voted in large numbers for Viktor Orbán that is firm on closing the borders.
Yet the EU are forcing them to open up the borders as they say that Hungary is not following their laws.
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God protect Populists for the People. The demented globalists have a decent track record when it comes to taking them out.
Viktor Orban should quit the globalist EU and not pay their damned fines and tell them to go F themselves while he beefs up his personal security detail with trusted personnel.
Hungary's refusal is a crack in the EU hegemony.
I don't know who, where, or how, but a few more cracks could break the EU given that brexit already defied them.
And what if they don't pay? Will it be taken from their account like a social credit system?