Of course they've been executing a 'New World Order' to achieve 'One World Government'
Anyone who thinks this is a c0nSPiraCy THe0Ry has his/her head buried in the sand. *And a note about 'Climate Change' propaganda...
29 years ago the UN published a book about its plans for global governance, which it has been carrying out ever since
Thanks to Rhoda Wilson at The Expose. This was completely new to me!
Dec 03, 2024
Henry Lamb was a renowned expert on global governance and its implications on individual freedom and private property rights. He was the author of ‘The Rise of Global Governance’. He was also the author of the article ‘The UN and Property Rights’, the report ‘Global Governance: Why? How? When?’ and a columnist for Renew America. And chairman of Sovereignty International, a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting individual sovereignty and limited government, founder of the Environmental Conservation Organisation and Freedom21, Inc.
In 1996, Lamb gave a t talk on the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Wildlands Project at the Granada Forum.
“All of the conspiracy theories that you’ve ever heard about ‘One World Government’, about the UN takeover of the world, all of those conspiracies have now been laid to rest,” he said. “There’s nothing conspiratorial about it. It’s all published!”
“The UN-funded Commission on Global Governance began meeting in 1992, in earnest … and last fall released their final report. It is entitled ‘Our Global Neighbourhood’,” he said.
After briefly describing the 1995 document, he goes on to talk about Agenda 21, the Biodiversity Treaty, The Wildlands Project and the Global Biodiversity Assessment….
Please go to the Expose to read the rest because this is a long article with an embedded video and can best be reviewed there!
FWIW: I’m not in love with the way the second sentence is written, but this is more about being independent of elite globalist depopulation lunatics.
REMINDER: Climate Change Solutions (™) as they’re being marketed (via propaganda) to the public are nothing more than a psychological operation to force people to bend the knee to the Elites who think they’re our betters...and act as our Overlords.
Emily your reminder is correct:
The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came
up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global
warming, water shortages, famine and the like would
fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions
these phenomena do constitute a common threat
which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in
designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap
about which we have already warned, namely mistak
ing symptoms for causes. All these dangers are
caused by human intervention and it is only through
changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be
overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.
Straight from the source pdf page 145 https://ia801702.us.archive.org/34/items/the-first-global-revolution-a-report-by-the-council-of-the-club-of-rome-alexande/The%20First%20Global%20Revolution_%20A%20Report%20by%20the%20Council%20of%20the%20Club%20of%20Rome%20-%20Alexander%20King%2C%20Bertrand%20Schneider%20-%20-%20Random%20House%2C%20Inc.%20_%20Pantheon%20Books%20%281991%29.pdf