Harmeet K. Dhillon
on Substack
February 17, 2024
I was radicalized in high school by reading The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. It is important to understand the evil that men inflict on one another in the modern era, to renew determination that show trials, gulags, and political assassinations never happen here.
The show trials of political prisoners and enemies of the state, the denial of due process, the farcical results of kangaroo courts, the cultural indoctrination, are all familiar to students of history. It is all the more chilling to see these features emerging one’s own country.
I think it is very important to understand this history and what evil resulted as we examine our own country’s concerted moves toward political repression, thought policing, designated enemies of the state, and mass brainwashing of a narcotized and listless populace distracted by inflation, drugs, and millions of invaders. This is a very dangerous time for the future of America, and the media gaslights us while people who raise questions are shouted down. Political leaders play patty-cakes over trivial issues and pay no heed to the danger signs. We are like the proverbial frog that does not realize it is being cooked until it is too late.
“If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more-we had no awareness of the real situation.”-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn