Apr 3, 2023Liked by EmilyTVProducer

Emily, YOU’RE HIRED! I especially like, “The hippies have turned into collectivist fascists.”

Growing up in San Francisco (third generation), that description absolutely warms my heart!

Outta the ballpark!

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Geez! Thank you! Sometimes brain vomit makes fun patterns on the page!

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by EmilyTVProducer

Another awesome one…”brain vomit”-LMAO!

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“Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are all weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School . . .

How the 'Grift Right' Gimps for the Left . . . Steven Crowder almost became Mel Gibson and Kanye West by accident . . . https://cwspangle.substack.com/p/how-the-grift-right-gimps-for-the

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I wish you hadn't written that other comment to me. But ok.

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Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are new, but they have come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals. . .

The transnational, transracial, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond peoples, race, culture) and are the daily sustenance in our schools, in our media, in our pop culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic Identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.

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There are Jews like myself who reject all of the above, believe it or not. We are few and we are despised by the many. We understand that history and the cultural adulteration that has resulted. I walk a very fine line with friends and family, which is my own problem of course. FWIW, I -- my being -- believes in the divinity of Scripture, as a continuation of the Old Testament. To do otherwise seems pretty shitty and stupid. I hear you. I still wish what you wrote on Siebert's post was less "fuck you" to me in nature...actually, quite literally. If you want to respond, I'm all ears. But I gotta get back to work before I get my ass kicked.

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