Using the word 'woke' actually harms the pro-truth, anti-evil movement.
It's a stupid word and makes the user sound stupid. Furthermore, I don't think it's ours to use.
A person whom I adore deeply sent me this as food for thought — on the subject of wokeism. Wokeness is not a politics
I responded with the list below.
For this ‘Stack, I’ve expanded, expounded, and added. I could have written it better. And I could have put in many citations or footnotes.
But, fuck it.
Pretty sure Simon is spending too much time in a house of mirrors himself; because he's seemingly oblivious to the attack on objective reality that is happening all around him.
I don't use 'woke' because it's not my word to use. It was something said by a Black rapper or poet at some point. 'Stay Woke' was the phrase. I think it sounds stupid and top-line basic. It minimizes the pro-woke speaker and the anti-woke speaker.
What I object to is the belief that somehow what's happening in the culture/society/country/world is organic...that it's an evolution toward a higher consciousness and being better people -- when in fact, it's menticide...with the endgame of democide/genocide and/or the elimination of the biological human being.
The Cultural Marxists have been the useful idiots whose ideology has been exploited by the Malthusians, such as the Gates family, to create what I prefer to call Clown World.
They move from psy-op to psy-op to fuck with our brains and fears and make us think we are filthy scum who have no right to use what they consider theirs: nature, food, resources, energy.
* Mind you, none of what I say negates or minimizes the disgusting things that our own American Government has done and continues to do to people and nations around the world. Nor does it deny that human nature can be evil and destructive.
This is about the Elites vs the People and the former's ability to turn The People against itself. It's the Hegelian Dialectic.
Censorship is the root of evil. It's not the opposite of woke. He minimizes...even mocks...those who object to gagging people's speech and thoughts. It's Aldous-Huxley-level shit.
Clown World is the world in which you are to believe and/or swear an allegiance to slogans and memes and the stupidest fucking stupidity. It's a distraction. It's demoralizing. And it's a great way to sneak in technocratic fascism, while we’re all busy fighting with each other over Dylan Mulvaney’s prancing around like a deranged child.
- Men cannot have babies.
- Women do not have 5 o'clock shadows and a dick and balls.
- Biological men do not belong in women's sports.
- Children cannot consent to anything: sexualization, trans procedures, experimental 'vaccines.'
- There is no such thing as a trans child. Mentally ill teachers are -- en masse -- teaching children to be mentally ill and to believe they might have been born in the wrong body.
- The gays are not happy with the militant trans...who, by the way, are Antifa (armed and dangerous).
- Transgenderism is a gateway to transhumanism.
- 2+2 is never 5.
- BLM is a corporation. It is not a social justice movement. In fact, its mission is to destroy the nuclear family. BLM is actually another gateway to transhumanism via the dis-integration of children from parents. BLM is a globalist-financed, corrupt hate group.
- Antifa is a hate group, associated with Nazism and fascism itself. redirects to the official White House website. Antifa, BLM, and the trans militant movements are one and the same.
- The economy is terrible and getting worse. It’s by design. Controlled demolition, to usher in UBI and programmable currency. The long game is an end to private property ownership.
- Ukraine is a proxy for NATO's war against Russia. It is also a money-laundering operation for the DNC and the Biden Crime Family. Ukraine is a test lab for total digital surveillance of population and also home to countless US bio-labs — some in which Hunter Biden was involved financially. Victoria Nuland admitted as much in congressional testimony. We have been fucking with that country since 2014. Nuland thinks it’s her sandbox.
- Masks do nothing to stop respiratory viruses...and the charade of seated vs standing was and is an insult of epic proportions.
- Money/cash is not dirty.
- Violence in the US is not rampant because of guns. That is statistically false. We are one of the least violent countries in the world because of guns.
- The federal agencies are under regulatory capture by corporations: fascism. CDC, FDA, DOT, et al. are fraudulent. The people who run the agencies are low-IQ bureaucrats and cowards.
- There is no epidemic of white supremacy in the US.
- The Feds were involved w/J6.
- The DOJ and Soros DAs are political and have perverted the justice system and US Constitution.
- It is not antisemitic to criticize George Soros. He's a fucking monster. So is Fauci. So is Gates. So are the EU, UN, WEF, WHO, Aspen Institute, CFR, et al.
- EVs and net zero will not stop the climate from changing, especially while China fires up coal plants every 10 minutes. Net zero will, however, eliminate life.
- Climate hysteria is creating mental illness and has not stopped people from consuming, wasting, and polluting.
- The government wants you to believe breakfast cereal is better than eggs for breakfast.
- Obama, Gates, own more than one mansion/compound and have destroyed coastline. So they must not be too worried about the next 10 years. Gore and Kerry are freaks and don’t even rise to the level of hypocrites.
- Equity is communism. Justin Trudeau, Gavin Newsom, and Joe Biden, among others, are communists.
- Corporate media is garbage. I know. I worked in it. I lied. I omitted. I fabricated. CNN is owned by the CIA (Bertrand, Tapper). The establishment press, including Fox News, is bad. Forbes, WSJ (much of the time), CNBC etc included.
- The hippies have turned into collectivist fascists.
- Pfizer committed massive fraud in the trials and continues to perpetuate the same fraud. Children are not vectors of disease and are at almost no risk of harm from the coronavirus. Damar Hamlin suffered a vaccine injury. Vaccines cause harm; possibly more harm than good. Moderna is a creation of DARPA, which is part of the DoD…which is why there is no obligation to disclose what’s actually in the experimental biological agent people are injecting into themselves multiple times — regardless of the fact that the get heart attacks, coupled with Covid.
- Jeffrey Epstein was murdered. Jeffrey Epstein’s clients are the people in charge of making the world mentally and physically sick.
I could go on. The above I know to be true.
Emily, YOU’RE HIRED! I especially like, “The hippies have turned into collectivist fascists.”
Growing up in San Francisco (third generation), that description absolutely warms my heart!
Outta the ballpark!