If thats what you call society im social distancing on my ponderosa in middle of nowhere im glad im here but im not going easy

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I MUST GTFO los angeles

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God less you girl you don’t want to be in densely populated areas. No such thing as urban survival

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A few things:

Being in tech, I thought about prototyping the police drone thing 10 years ago (DaaS - drone as a service) along with some other police tools old larry hasn't thought of, but didn't want to empower agencies that might abuse it, so I dropped the concepts.

He's all for it because he sees $$$$ - which he clearly needs more of.

If there's that level of surveillance, the old man forgets that cars will no longer be autonomous and his idea will be moot. Again, he's not really thinking about things, just blinded by more revenue opportunities or the crushing of plebes or both.

"The software giant already has several projects in the works, including a partnership with Elon Musk’s SpaceX." More proof again that musk is a hoax that is tied to the deep state. musk wants to put tens of thousands of satellites into orbit supposedly for satellite internet, but almost certainly for global surveillance/control such as with his X app. That quote is a likely confirmation (not that it's needed anymore).

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Dog! 100%

Elon is to be carefully monitored.

Dissenters must continue to hold the line.

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Sep 18Edited

100% agree with you. Unfortunately even most of those that have a clue of what's going on are lazy and waiting for a shining knight to save them, be it trump, musk, malone, or whoever, so despite seeing some light, they believe in trojan heroes.

The rescue comes from each individual standing up and building local communities that just say NO.

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Kind of sounds like the movie Minority Report.

Not sure all the children and adults with Oppositional Defiant Disorder will be on board with it.

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ODD! I love it.

And a lot of this is probably saber-rattling. They want to strike fear into our hearts.

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