The EU press conference is damming towards pfizer. But more damning to EU idiocy and corruption. Europe has no use to God if it will not spread Catholic faith. It is now under growing commie control...

Bonus:expect Apostate Rome to be destroyed by God

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I wouldn't be mad at that. The EU are worse than communists. I think we need a new term.

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I'm Catholic. I understand this. They took Vatican. It's in our prophecy.

They are communist.

Fatima, 1917... Russia will spread its error. Mother of God said it.

Commies have done the wet work. They know how to infiltrate, deceive.

You're just not Catholic

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But I completely understand the truth in prophesy. There is an evil worse than Communism + Fascism. Or maybe it's just what has been written and it's something that is inevitable. Maybe you're right!! I don't EXACTLY get it. But I'm on your side.

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Of course you're on my side.

Consider yourself hugged...

Yes, anti Christ.

2 good folks said he was John Paul 2, but extremely minority view in remnant Catholic Church.... (only 200k of usvleft.

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Vatican 2 was a disaster for Catholicism...do I have that right? This Pope is THE WORST. I've had a bad taste in my mouth about his since Day one. Now I see he's not only bitter, but he's the enemy too.

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So... This is tricky....

In Oct 58,'we lost papacy. A new religion resulted.

There is Vatican II church aping Catholic Church.

Catholic Church is tiny. My priest flies Cincinnati to 3 TX places once a month.

We go to Mass NOT in union with Francis, A non Catholic non pope.

(most say he's A bad pope. This is not how to say it....


He's an idolator. Protects child abusers. Stabbed Chinese in bavk.

And he's A Nuremberg code violator... Hanging...

He is walking many into Nwo hell.


We reject Vatican II as a Robber Council from hell

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