Real non-inflationary Money has 3 necessary characteristics. These being "store of value" and "medium of exchange" and removal from speculative manipulation. A Real store of value necessitates a physical asset or mix of assets with a stable value that by societal agreement, enforced by law, is removed from speculative manipulation. The medium of exchange requires both a physical and, for practically in these times, a safe digital asset transfer option.
Heaven has its plans to enable the return to Real Money in the coming Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity. evil has its plans in opposition.
Annual interest payments on the national debt are said to have passed 1 trillion dollars. and the current budget deficit for 2024 is said to be 1.8 trillion dollars.
When alcohol was seen to be a problem by the government it was taxed. When tobacco was seen to be a problem by the government it was taxed. When interest on the national debt, paid to other than Mom and Pop, is seen to be a problem it can be taxed to initiate a total government debt solution that protects the American Peoples' assets held in trust For The People by the government. This is a necessary step toward Real non-inflationary Money.
Attempts to reduce government spending will be made. Borrowing will continue and it looks like annual interest payments on the debt will increase.
If and when annual interest payments equal the annual budget deficit or before, if at such a time the government is willing to stop borrowing, a up to 100 % tax on interest paid on the national debt to other than Mom and Pop can be passed and enforced and collected by ceasing to deliver interest payments to the holders of that debt and direct this withholding for payment of the tax. A property tax on national debt principle held by other than Mom and Pop can also be enacted.
Taxing the interest paid on the national debt, even if it has grown to equal the national annual budget deficit where a 100% tax on national debt interest can balance the budget and make for a smooth transition to Real non-inflationary Money. If there is an annual deficit this can be made up with a property tax on the debt.
This will, OF COURSE, make the debt less than worthless to the holders of this debt and it may then be purchased by the government for a fraction of a penny on the dollar using the property tax on the debt . if, in fact, the government does not charge to "buy" back the debt.
This is Divine Justice. This national debt was wrongfully created by evil out of nothing but treason committed against The American People and God..
note: It looks to me that the path where fiat currency is created by the US Treasury and "loaned" at 0% interest to facilitate the creation of real assets / Real Money, when well done within demonstrated effective pathways, is non inflationary and can lower costs for the basics of food and shelter and ad infinitum when government spending is also limited to collected funds i.e. taxes, tariffs etc. collected from a population that is TRUELY represented.
Economics 101 as taught in the classrooms and vast auditoriums of The Inner Retreats.
The Key to unlock the door to the first step of the first step into the coming Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity For All will be the practical demonstration, at scale, of the ways and means whereby the building of exceptionally high quality, low cost, energy efficient, spacious New Era homes for the building of New Era Community will be done in such a manner as to create non-inflationary Real Money. The Archetypal Pattern demonstrated by and for 100,000 whereby this may be, with a little help and Sunlight and CO2 to grow trees, repeated 10,000 times by the 1 billion of the least among us as they raise themselves into The Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity For All.
at 1:07:00 and ongoing into the video Redfeild addresses H5N1 bird flue with human to human transmission that is NOW BEING MADE in the lab AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN (with a 40% ? ? ? mortality)
Government is a control-based system. Freedom is based on spontaneous order, which is the opposite of control. In spite of what they'd like you to believe, the Fed is a government system. It is a part of the federal government We the people have a problem because the government has empowered the banks to steal. The government is the source and center of the problem.
On The Path to Real Money. It looks to me ...
Real non-inflationary Money has 3 necessary characteristics. These being "store of value" and "medium of exchange" and removal from speculative manipulation. A Real store of value necessitates a physical asset or mix of assets with a stable value that by societal agreement, enforced by law, is removed from speculative manipulation. The medium of exchange requires both a physical and, for practically in these times, a safe digital asset transfer option.
Heaven has its plans to enable the return to Real Money in the coming Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity. evil has its plans in opposition.
Annual interest payments on the national debt are said to have passed 1 trillion dollars. and the current budget deficit for 2024 is said to be 1.8 trillion dollars.
When alcohol was seen to be a problem by the government it was taxed. When tobacco was seen to be a problem by the government it was taxed. When interest on the national debt, paid to other than Mom and Pop, is seen to be a problem it can be taxed to initiate a total government debt solution that protects the American Peoples' assets held in trust For The People by the government. This is a necessary step toward Real non-inflationary Money.
Attempts to reduce government spending will be made. Borrowing will continue and it looks like annual interest payments on the debt will increase.
If and when annual interest payments equal the annual budget deficit or before, if at such a time the government is willing to stop borrowing, a up to 100 % tax on interest paid on the national debt to other than Mom and Pop can be passed and enforced and collected by ceasing to deliver interest payments to the holders of that debt and direct this withholding for payment of the tax. A property tax on national debt principle held by other than Mom and Pop can also be enacted.
Taxing the interest paid on the national debt, even if it has grown to equal the national annual budget deficit where a 100% tax on national debt interest can balance the budget and make for a smooth transition to Real non-inflationary Money. If there is an annual deficit this can be made up with a property tax on the debt.
This will, OF COURSE, make the debt less than worthless to the holders of this debt and it may then be purchased by the government for a fraction of a penny on the dollar using the property tax on the debt . if, in fact, the government does not charge to "buy" back the debt.
This is Divine Justice. This national debt was wrongfully created by evil out of nothing but treason committed against The American People and God..
note: It looks to me that the path where fiat currency is created by the US Treasury and "loaned" at 0% interest to facilitate the creation of real assets / Real Money, when well done within demonstrated effective pathways, is non inflationary and can lower costs for the basics of food and shelter and ad infinitum when government spending is also limited to collected funds i.e. taxes, tariffs etc. collected from a population that is TRUELY represented.
No taxation without TRUE representation
They sure don’t teach ya this in school.
Economics 101 as taught in the classrooms and vast auditoriums of The Inner Retreats.
The Key to unlock the door to the first step of the first step into the coming Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity For All will be the practical demonstration, at scale, of the ways and means whereby the building of exceptionally high quality, low cost, energy efficient, spacious New Era homes for the building of New Era Community will be done in such a manner as to create non-inflationary Real Money. The Archetypal Pattern demonstrated by and for 100,000 whereby this may be, with a little help and Sunlight and CO2 to grow trees, repeated 10,000 times by the 1 billion of the least among us as they raise themselves into The Golden Age of Freedom and Opportunity For All.
at 1:07:00 and ongoing into the video Redfeild addresses H5N1 bird flue with human to human transmission that is NOW BEING MADE in the lab AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN (with a 40% ? ? ? mortality)
The key words are "When Decree Replaced..."
Government is a control-based system. Freedom is based on spontaneous order, which is the opposite of control. In spite of what they'd like you to believe, the Fed is a government system. It is a part of the federal government We the people have a problem because the government has empowered the banks to steal. The government is the source and center of the problem.