Sep 30, 2023Liked by EmilyTVProducer

A not so short story.

I have a friend who is about 68. Very smart and successful. Retired, in good health. Vaxxed, of course.

When it publicly came out that the vaxxes did not stop transmission or infection, I confronted him on the phone.

He simply stated, "they never said that it would stop infection or transmission, they just said it would stop the disease from being severe and hospitalization."

I persisted, and said I could send him video clips of them saying it would stop transmission and infection.

There was VERY long pause on the phone, and he finally said, "I believe you if you say that. But I don't remember that happening."

That's what we're facing. Every time the goal posts change, their minds simply accept the new truth, because C0VID is too scary to face.

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Gaslighting is fundamental to their propaganda strategies

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