I’m DONE with Commifornia! The rent here is the same as a mortgage (usury) in other states! I’m sick of being taxed to death.

I can’t even shoot my firearms because there’s no where to go anymore!

The final straw was being “fired” from my career of 23 years because of non-CONvid compliance!

NEWSCUM is an utter pos! I despise him…and his ilk!

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I loathe him and his clique of elites. I loathe the communists in Sacramento and LA County. I loathe the stupid, lazy voters. I am out of here in 4 years, assuming they don't have armed military at the state line.

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Me too Emily!

I work on trying to have INNER peace above all else-easier said than done (with God’s help).

Every day (sometimes every minute) is a “test” of strength, resilience, and guidance…being open to where God’s Will takes you, without fear.


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It's hard not to believe he was placed into office for the greater agenda. Aside from easily surviving the recall election and the long list of blatant elitist and communist initiatives that literally the left coast can't get enough of, he talked like a complete clown sycophant before the trump/biden debate, with his unequivocal claims that the old codger was competent and qualified. He's a whore to the elitists and appealing to califascist voters, so his book will sell. The $25M wouldn't even be enough to do anything so it must be payola to him or cronies.

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He's one of WEF's Young Leaders. Of course he was installed to carry out an agenda. He's a nihilist, a globalist, a fascist, an elitist, a communism-for-the-ist, a mentally defective ideologue, a drunk, an unfaithful womanizer, a child abuser, a puppet, a narcissist, and a piece of human garbage.

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"a drunk, an unfaithful womanizer, a child abuser" - never heard that part.

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