"Why aren't you proles dying faster? Why do you keep living? Just die already, we're getting tired of figuring out ways to k*ll you without you coming after us."
One more thing on price controls on foodstuff. Since profit margins are small all the way around in the food industry, with price control, the quality of food products goes down as companies reformulate their products (recipes) to stay afloat. We end up eating foodstuff that might be better served to the chickens. As a farmer, I see prices rapidly rising to cover the cost of growing food and running equipment. This is not going to improve with a Harris and Walz win.
The melons I bought were locally grown. Mennonite farms in my area seem to be very resilient. I don’t buy imported fruit and veggies. I admit, I grow many of my own veggies and tomatoes. I also can and ferment.
They are being shut down in the US for sure. Not in Canada yet. The Amos Miller case in Pennsylvania is a case I am following and he has a thriving business that is potentially going to be destroyed, not by inputs, but instead by regulations. Check it out.
I remember when they put a price cap on toilet paper in Venezuela. People predicted that it would lead to a toilet paper shortage, and amazingly enough that is exactly what happened.
You like eating imported fruits, veggies, meat, and grains? Do you know what pesticides are allowed in the country of origin? What about heavy metals in the soil? Were the animals ethically treated? As we lose farmers due to the inability to make a profit on the products they grow, we lose quality and freshness. Importation and the time it takes to bring produce to markets reduces nutrient value along with changes in texture and taste.
This is why in rural areas where farming is prevalent a form of resilience is growing and simultaneously under attack. I just bought watermelon, cantaloupe or musk melon all for under $5 each. The powers that be are now limiting the number of livestock you can raise per acre. They have also shut down most of the large abattoirs but small ones are popping up. It’s a constant battle with government regulators who are now turning into food supply choke points. Sadly urban areas leave everyone as sitting ducks. At the same time more people are trying to move out of the city and into the country. We will see a flux in the coming years as the NWO tries to contain humanity for greater control as the NWO loses control. The battle is raging but without gunpowder. More later.
"Why aren't you proles dying faster? Why do you keep living? Just die already, we're getting tired of figuring out ways to k*ll you without you coming after us."
Over react? Seriously? Such a Marxist thing to say.
One more thing on price controls on foodstuff. Since profit margins are small all the way around in the food industry, with price control, the quality of food products goes down as companies reformulate their products (recipes) to stay afloat. We end up eating foodstuff that might be better served to the chickens. As a farmer, I see prices rapidly rising to cover the cost of growing food and running equipment. This is not going to improve with a Harris and Walz win.
Farm inputs will triple with Harris Walz.
The story on lamb imports will give you an idea of what is happening with much of farming. The US farmer/rancher cannot compete. https://www.kuer.org/politics-government/2023-11-14/utah-7-other-states-want-an-investigation-into-the-lamb-imports-squeezing-us-flocks
Where are your receipts on that? If government says melons are too expensive at $5.00, and the price of producing them is over that, farmers stop growing them. That is why we import a large quantity of fruit. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/13/dining/fruit-vegetables-imports.html
The melons I bought were locally grown. Mennonite farms in my area seem to be very resilient. I don’t buy imported fruit and veggies. I admit, I grow many of my own veggies and tomatoes. I also can and ferment.
I don’t mean sales receipts, I mean the information that shows price fixing will not cause shortages, but increase supply through small businesses. Small farmers are being shut down in some states. Good try though Torma. 🥴 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=unOXcKigSuY&pp=ygUXT3JlZ29uIGZhcm1zIHNodXQgZG93biA%3D
Price fixing and quotas are always a destructive force.
They are being shut down in the US for sure. Not in Canada yet. The Amos Miller case in Pennsylvania is a case I am following and he has a thriving business that is potentially going to be destroyed, not by inputs, but instead by regulations. Check it out.
I remember when they put a price cap on toilet paper in Venezuela. People predicted that it would lead to a toilet paper shortage, and amazingly enough that is exactly what happened.
Get a bidet. Use less toilet paper.
Why not? They’ve fucked up everything else.
You like eating imported fruits, veggies, meat, and grains? Do you know what pesticides are allowed in the country of origin? What about heavy metals in the soil? Were the animals ethically treated? As we lose farmers due to the inability to make a profit on the products they grow, we lose quality and freshness. Importation and the time it takes to bring produce to markets reduces nutrient value along with changes in texture and taste.
This is why in rural areas where farming is prevalent a form of resilience is growing and simultaneously under attack. I just bought watermelon, cantaloupe or musk melon all for under $5 each. The powers that be are now limiting the number of livestock you can raise per acre. They have also shut down most of the large abattoirs but small ones are popping up. It’s a constant battle with government regulators who are now turning into food supply choke points. Sadly urban areas leave everyone as sitting ducks. At the same time more people are trying to move out of the city and into the country. We will see a flux in the coming years as the NWO tries to contain humanity for greater control as the NWO loses control. The battle is raging but without gunpowder. More later.