Me and others lost our careers/livelihoods for this shit! I had a career of 23 years…GONE! I lost 3 years of pay/retirement, and I consider myself blessed and protected by GOD!
I could tell you insane stories regarding this evil. I don’t want to give it energy.
3M N95 "masks" work - especially when combined with other, simple, basic prevention measures. First use of home mixed antiviral sprays for nose, mouth and eyes . Then N95 and eyeglasses - better if the eyeglasses have side shielding. (first xylitol then povidone iodine formulations for instance). Then after "shared air" exposure home mixed antiviral for eye wash, nasal flush and mouthwash/gargle (1% regular Johnson's baby shampoo in normal alkalized saline for instance) .
If you, Dear Emily, do not know and practice such as this where and when needed - THEN "THEY" HAVE YOU WHERE "THEY" WANT YOU.
"dr" osterholm - mr "public health" minnesota, stated on minnesota public tv shortly after the "pandemic" was declared that he knew (on or about) Jan. 9? or 11?, 2020 that covid 19 was spread via airborne aerosol transmission - i.e. the "6 foot" was bullshit - for a purpose as you have written. Though he had not the bravery or simple decency to spell out the implications.
ostreholm leaked some Truth then ran and hid under the bed he lies in and towed the "company" line lie.
The decision was made (evidence suggests in the 2013 time frame?) to insure N95 masks, etc would not be available for prevention. Suppression of Real Treatment for covid was also pre-planned i.e. pre-planned suppression of early outpatient treatment, ER treatment to stabilize the patient and send them home with prescriptions and Real Life Saving in hospital treatment for covid.
There is NO SUCH THING AS "MILD COVID". There is NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE "VACCINE" FOR COVID.. The "spike" on sars-cov-2 as well as the mRNA and viral vector replicated "vaccine antigen" spike are state of the art "slow kill" bioweapons. At any time additional bioweapon inserts can be inserted into the sars-cov-2 "delivery vehicle". see the fearsome science Walter M Chestnut writes about on his substack.
Scientists around the world are doing the research that support Walter M. Chesnut's understanding. I read his substack for the "Gist" of it. (Gist is a noun meaning “essence” or “main idea.”) I do not pretend to understand the intricacies. I have found and received analysis of the bioweapon inserts in sars-cov-2. This has been inferred and "between the lines" as this can make it into publication. Very concerning and telling are reports that 1) the omicron that was allowed to circulate through China had the prion/amyloid/brain and multiple organ failure cascade initiating insert removed and 2) reports that the omicrons that now circulate in the "West" as the result of mass "vaccination" induced IgG4 antibody response which tells the body to tolerate this virus (OR THIS EMERGING CANCER)
Have the prion/amyloid/brain and multiple organ failure cascade initiating insert again inserted. GO PLAYERS vs checker players.
p.s. "It" is in the "spike" in the virus and the "vaccine".
Be aware; he doesn't always differentiate between "c0vid" and the "c0vid vaxx," so some of the conclusions he comes to are kind of.... terrifying, IF you have had c0vid.
p.s. "It" is in the "spike" in the virus and the "vaccine"
there is a lot more of "it" in the "vaccine"
"It" is cumulative and, for instance, little Prion initiating exposure from either infection or injection -MAY- start the ongoing prion/amyloid/brain and multiple organ failure cascade
Most all have been programed to now be "anti-mask" by imposition of "bogus" ineffective mask mandates. THIS WAS PLANNED
Scientists around the world are doing the research that support Walter M. Chesnut's understanding. I read his substack for the "Gist" of it. (Gist is a noun meaning “essence” or “main idea.”) I do not pretend to understand the intricacies I find and receive analysis of the bioweapon inserts in sars-cov-2. This has been inferred and "between the lines" as this can make it into publication. Very concerning and telling are reports that 1) the omicron that was allowed to circulate through China had the prion initiating insert removed and 2) reports that the omicrons that now circulate in the "West" as the result of mass "vaccination" induced IgG4 antibody response which tells the body to tolerate this virus (OR THIS EMERGING CANCER)
Have the prion initiating insert again inserted. GO PLAYERS vs checker players.
p.s. "It" is in the "spike" in the virus and the "vaccine".
I have no interest in wearing a mask to prevent catching Covid. If something else...something actually harmful presents, I'm all down for masking with the N95 (like airborne 'vaccines' Bill Gates decides to spray). I'm well-versed with the other above measures, which is why if/when I got sick, it was for 2 days and it was like having the flu when I was a kid. Everything you say is legit and 100% airtight. I also never tested for the Coof and have no intention of ever doing it. Will check out Chestnut!
Look up the Meyers Briggs personality testing. There's a category called perceivers -- just a label, they are not necessarily perceptive.
Perceivers get anxious when they have to make a decision. They WANT others to do it for them.
Aka "Daddy, govern me harder."
That's why we are in this situation. There are people out there who want to be told what to do, and what to be absolved of their personal responsibility. They want to be serfs, not free men. And the psychopaths in government are happy to oblige.
And we still have ignorant sheep wearing those stupid masks every day. Boggles the mind how gullible the masses are.
That’s putting it kindly. I loved your post today, rounding up all the mayhem and hell we’re facing.
Me and others lost our careers/livelihoods for this shit! I had a career of 23 years…GONE! I lost 3 years of pay/retirement, and I consider myself blessed and protected by GOD!
I could tell you insane stories regarding this evil. I don’t want to give it energy.
You are awesome and blessed.
Emily, my sister in God, you awesome and blessed too! You are doing the work of Truth…never forget that!
Dear Emily.
3M N95 "masks" work - especially when combined with other, simple, basic prevention measures. First use of home mixed antiviral sprays for nose, mouth and eyes . Then N95 and eyeglasses - better if the eyeglasses have side shielding. (first xylitol then povidone iodine formulations for instance). Then after "shared air" exposure home mixed antiviral for eye wash, nasal flush and mouthwash/gargle (1% regular Johnson's baby shampoo in normal alkalized saline for instance) .
If you, Dear Emily, do not know and practice such as this where and when needed - THEN "THEY" HAVE YOU WHERE "THEY" WANT YOU.
"dr" osterholm - mr "public health" minnesota, stated on minnesota public tv shortly after the "pandemic" was declared that he knew (on or about) Jan. 9? or 11?, 2020 that covid 19 was spread via airborne aerosol transmission - i.e. the "6 foot" was bullshit - for a purpose as you have written. Though he had not the bravery or simple decency to spell out the implications.
ostreholm leaked some Truth then ran and hid under the bed he lies in and towed the "company" line lie.
The decision was made (evidence suggests in the 2013 time frame?) to insure N95 masks, etc would not be available for prevention. Suppression of Real Treatment for covid was also pre-planned i.e. pre-planned suppression of early outpatient treatment, ER treatment to stabilize the patient and send them home with prescriptions and Real Life Saving in hospital treatment for covid.
There is NO SUCH THING AS "MILD COVID". There is NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE "VACCINE" FOR COVID.. The "spike" on sars-cov-2 as well as the mRNA and viral vector replicated "vaccine antigen" spike are state of the art "slow kill" bioweapons. At any time additional bioweapon inserts can be inserted into the sars-cov-2 "delivery vehicle". see the fearsome science Walter M Chestnut writes about on his substack.
Yours Truely,
Walter M. Chesnut is... kind of scary. Very smart guy. You can find him on Twitter, ugh, "X" as well.
on it
Scientists around the world are doing the research that support Walter M. Chesnut's understanding. I read his substack for the "Gist" of it. (Gist is a noun meaning “essence” or “main idea.”) I do not pretend to understand the intricacies. I have found and received analysis of the bioweapon inserts in sars-cov-2. This has been inferred and "between the lines" as this can make it into publication. Very concerning and telling are reports that 1) the omicron that was allowed to circulate through China had the prion/amyloid/brain and multiple organ failure cascade initiating insert removed and 2) reports that the omicrons that now circulate in the "West" as the result of mass "vaccination" induced IgG4 antibody response which tells the body to tolerate this virus (OR THIS EMERGING CANCER)
Have the prion/amyloid/brain and multiple organ failure cascade initiating insert again inserted. GO PLAYERS vs checker players.
p.s. "It" is in the "spike" in the virus and the "vaccine".
Be aware; he doesn't always differentiate between "c0vid" and the "c0vid vaxx," so some of the conclusions he comes to are kind of.... terrifying, IF you have had c0vid.
p.s. "It" is in the "spike" in the virus and the "vaccine"
there is a lot more of "it" in the "vaccine"
"It" is cumulative and, for instance, little Prion initiating exposure from either infection or injection -MAY- start the ongoing prion/amyloid/brain and multiple organ failure cascade
Most all have been programed to now be "anti-mask" by imposition of "bogus" ineffective mask mandates. THIS WAS PLANNED
Scientists around the world are doing the research that support Walter M. Chesnut's understanding. I read his substack for the "Gist" of it. (Gist is a noun meaning “essence” or “main idea.”) I do not pretend to understand the intricacies I find and receive analysis of the bioweapon inserts in sars-cov-2. This has been inferred and "between the lines" as this can make it into publication. Very concerning and telling are reports that 1) the omicron that was allowed to circulate through China had the prion initiating insert removed and 2) reports that the omicrons that now circulate in the "West" as the result of mass "vaccination" induced IgG4 antibody response which tells the body to tolerate this virus (OR THIS EMERGING CANCER)
Have the prion initiating insert again inserted. GO PLAYERS vs checker players.
p.s. "It" is in the "spike" in the virus and the "vaccine".
I have no interest in wearing a mask to prevent catching Covid. If something else...something actually harmful presents, I'm all down for masking with the N95 (like airborne 'vaccines' Bill Gates decides to spray). I'm well-versed with the other above measures, which is why if/when I got sick, it was for 2 days and it was like having the flu when I was a kid. Everything you say is legit and 100% airtight. I also never tested for the Coof and have no intention of ever doing it. Will check out Chestnut!
"If something else...something actually harmful presents, I'm all down for masking with the N95"
or you come to understand what is actually in the viral sars-cov-2 "spike".
Look up the Meyers Briggs personality testing. There's a category called perceivers -- just a label, they are not necessarily perceptive.
Perceivers get anxious when they have to make a decision. They WANT others to do it for them.
Aka "Daddy, govern me harder."
That's why we are in this situation. There are people out there who want to be told what to do, and what to be absolved of their personal responsibility. They want to be serfs, not free men. And the psychopaths in government are happy to oblige.