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sars-cov-2 is a delivery vehicle. All manner of bioweapon inserts in the "spike" or elsewhere creating all manner of pathologies throughout the body have been in sars-cov-2 and are in the current "mild disease" slowkill versions currently circulating. I just heard a report stating that covid now is at its highest level since Jan 2022. Highly virulent versions may be released in the future.

When I gumshoed the homeland security website I found there were no N95's added after 2013 to "our" strategic national stockpile of N95 masks.. (around the time all efforts using the conventional vaccine platforms to make a vaccine against the original sars-cov (1) had failed because of safety and around the time mRNA was ready to go.

From this I deduced "their" plan was to have NO options for Real mask use for almost anyone with only 13,000,000 expired N 95 masks in OUR strategic national stockpile for the 330,000,000 + American population. 1 expired mask for every 25 Americans and limited capacity for in-country production is a failed public health / national homeland defense strategy.

No such thing as mild covid. No such thing as a "safe and effective" "vaccine" against coronavirus. As all Real Treatment for covid was suppressed to enable mass EUA injections, SO WAS REAL PREVENTION. Some are awake to the reality of Real Treatment, of these, many remain PROGRAMED AGAINST REAL PREVENTION

depopulation - "their" final solution

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