It's kind of funny how the Bible talks about ANYTHING BUT BEING LAZY! It also talks about God will provide! I'm in my middle 50's and I can attest He ALWAYS does! They think we came from Apes so therefore we need man to figure out what to do so gas (whatever) doesn't run out. I got news...God doesn't need their help! Everything they touch turns to complete 💩! My immune system doesn't need their help! Either does anyone else's! What it needs is for these idiots to quit smoking like a freight train. Quit drinking soda or booze 24/7! And trust me I like an occasional beer, but all day every day no! Quit eating out 365! Sweets are a treat...not a daily indulgence! Quit sitting on your arce all day at work to then sit on your arce all evening scrolling through fascistbook, twatter, Insta-attention, or China Tok!!! Cook more and NOT from a frozen package or box! Why are they constantly eating something that has 50+ ingredients list that if you made would take FOUR??? We are supposed to eat to live not live to eat! Sure going to the restaurant or bar after work to unwind and visit is FUN, but do it twice a week not 5 or 7! My husband makes amazing money praise God, but I don't know how they afford it! When I was single it was $20-$25 tops with a good tip, but I'd cook at home first and it'd get expensive then! I can't imagine now! Don't like to workout at a gym find something active you do like! I saw a meme the other day...it was a comparison of people in the 70's on a beach to now! One was thin healthy people and the other looked like it was seal mating season! I was always thicker than my friends because I was so muscular. I wasn't fat, but constantly wanted to be super thin! I'd constantly get asked in late Jr High early HS if I was a body builder! It would devastate me! My mother was an enabler, for good reason, but I was and still am constantly worried about my weight. Hardly ANYONE was fat when I was in school until my late 20's! I look around and see all these FAT parents with FAT children and it breaks my heart!!! No wonder so many are clueless to what's going on! It never dawned on them during the scamdemic you could get liquor to go, but gyms (nor churches) weren't open! I wonder how many of these climate change idiots realize the amount of packaging fast food, frozen food, boxed food take and where that goes when they are done?! I wonder if they realize everything they touch day in and day out comes from oil?! INCLUDING their cell phone they can't part with for 2 seconds??? Electric cars still use rubber tires?! If everyone was as worried about their GOD GIVEN FREEDOM as they are stupid 💩 the world would be a way better place!!!

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Every. Single. Thing. You. Said.

Emily: no booze, no bread/potatoes/rice/tacos, etc... No processed foods or sugars...

No smoking, no more vaxxes (took one JJ and it's biggest regret of my life)

Humility before our Creator always

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LMAO Emily saying NO BREAD OR POTATOES IS FIGHTING WORDS! But processed kills me, dairy with sugar kills me, Maltodextrin kills me, HFCS REALLY kills me! My homeopathic says NEVER EAT DAIRY EVER! I can't quite give it all up! But like cream cheese frosting made with powdered sugar...ain't worth the misery! I don't use white sugar or flour! If I use something besides xylitol it's Morena Pur Cane. I can't even do coconut sugar! Acne for DAYS! I do however usually make my own breads! I can't quite give up all beer or wine, but I'm definitely NO alcoholic and after 2 I'm good! We always drink water at the same time too! I've joked if they ever come out with coffee has mrna, lead, mercury, rabies, scabies...whatever...in it well I'll miss you all because I'm NOT giving that up!!! 🤪🤣

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Monk fruit sweetener is pricey, but if you're cutting out other things...well worth it! Ha ha on the coffee! I hear ya!

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You can't hardly get it without Erythritol in it and that's HORRIBLE for you. It breaks me out too! I've recently read Allulose is good for you. It must be because even Natural Grocers doesn't sell it! (I say that because alot of their products are garbage!) Supposedly good for you gummies with HFCS in them! 🤦‍♀️🙄

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Awesome! Thanks sister! 😋

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