Luckily, the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights prevent you from unilaterally collecting guns from law-abiding citizens.

However, I don't trust you. You sided with terrorists (BLM and Antifa) during the summer of love, even bailing them out after they burned down buildings, killed people, and attacked a Federal courthouse. You bowed down on one knee to the terrorists and gave them your heart and soul. Kamala doesn't deserve to be president. But then, neither did Biden.

Of course, she wants to take away our self-defense; that way, when the next so-called pandemic comes along, they can round people up and put them in death camps.

They'll take weapons from law abiding citizens, and only the criminals and the government will have them. What do you want to bet they'll not go after the criminals?

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The government are the criminals. I’d run off and join a (non-torture) biker gang before I’d comply with tyrants.

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Camera held low so we are peering up at her and she doesn’t look as short.

You can smell the Hollywood sensibility in everything they make her do.

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That’s a great point!

Our Dear Leader…

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