Whatever the case w/JC, these shots are bad bad bad and were developed for SINISTER purposes. I'm just trying to nudge normies. But at this point, any normie that still needs a nudge is hopeless. Love you all!

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I think you're way off target about JC. Folk of his age, background and career are not 5th columnists for the Deep State. John comes from a staid background where logic, clinical experience and a trust in the science formed the background of his career and belief system. Call it naive if you will but I can't accept any malign intent of a man who has dedicated his life to helping and educating others. His considerable library of educational videos is testament to his philanthropy. I followed a similar path, from a trust for experts and a belief that governments have good intentions to a total disgust at the lies and injuries were inflicted on people by the establishment. I fail to understand why you should deny Campbell having a similar epiphany.

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His demeanor is a selling point, that's why he's been successful at fooling people, just like Robert Malone who was introduced as a little shy mouse but in reality he's a snake. The psyops have been successful. Both Campbell and Malone are gatekeepers, they're narrative controllers.

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Two things can be true at the same time. These aren't opposites, necessarily.

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He was selected as a gatekeeper, just like the Vaccine Frankenstein, they control the narrative. Their channels on YT were never shut down.

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Completely agree. This guy is up there with all manner of ghouls who appear to have “flipped” (eg Aseem Malhotra) or continue to promulgate various ancillary narratives targeting the minority of independent thinkers who didn’t fall for the fraud and iatrogenocide (eg scary novel pathogen, lab leak, gain of function, contagion and especially asymptomatic contagion, fraudulent testing and diagnosis casedemic, early treatment protocols, spike protein, rushed vaccine development because not all vaccines are bad, insufficiency of the non-pharmaceutical interventions, deference to incompetent non-malicious authorities etc). Just assume they are all “psyber” infantry inflicting psychogenic assaults with divide and conquer flanking attacks for their ordo ab chao objectives, and then ignore everything they have to say.

If you haven’t seen any already, based comedian Alastair Williams in the UK (kinda like a British Jim Brauer) does hilarious and clever takedowns of “Nurse Doctor John Campbell”, even manageing to keep most of them on Ewe Tube. Here he is going after Campbell’s recent monkey pox stance - I would keep an eye out for him going after the self-assembling nanobot video too.


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I hear you both.

And I think both things can be true at once. If he helps us, then we use what we can and discard the chaff.

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Conflicting messages does not aid the cause, it divides the movement.

Confuses the new , and misinforms the older.

There is Zero evidence of what he speaks.

He showed signs of radicalism, supporting the jabs 4 years ago and demanding the incarceration of the unvaxxed.

Radicalism is not welcome.

Rethink your support and strategy .

Thank you .

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You are so wrong on this one.

campbell has a great presentation method that feels logical and looks like it's all fact driven, except that for 2-3 years, his facts always tilted towards getting vaxxed. He was not cautious. Early on, once I smelled the stink coming off this guy, which was quick, I never watched him again, but I did become aware that maybe a year ago (+ -) he did a 180 and came out against the jabs.

Many others have commented on this phenomenon, but most have forgiven him because he now sees the light.

How precious. This asshole is singlehandedly responsible for the deaths and harm of untold thousands. If he gets a pass because he presents nicely, why not given fauci and billy a pass? I mean billy wears those really cool sweaters.

campbell needs to be on trial with the rest of the false narrative perpetrators. Full stop.

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You misunderstand what I mean by cautious. He was always late to the table with vaxx skepticism. And that makes him more credible when talking about what used to be conspiracy THEORIES. I did not like what he had to say at the outset. He was an apologist. Please don’t jump down my throat like that. These people are murderers. Do you — of all people — not know what I think by now?

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Emily - I thought I knew your positions on health freedom topics and mostly aligned with them, but the way campbell is presented here, it's not clear to me that this fits with your thinking. Maybe adding some clarity on your position would help your readers?

I dropped this guy years ago, but in bits I've seen of him since, I have never seen caution, just slanted/wrong information spun through a British/Mr. Rogers(ish)/PhD type persona. If he was telling any truths of the plandemic, youtube would have booted him years ago. Yet, he's been allowed to gather millions of followers (making a nice income), doing pharma's and the cabal's dirty work. No one knows how many thousands and thousands took the vaxx and were maimed or killed, falling for his personality, presentation style, and "credentials" while suspending their personal due diligence. Ultimately that's their fault, but it doesn't excuse him.

Separating what he said for years from his change of heart is giving him a pass he doesn't deserve. So what that he's changed his position? From his very first video, he had all the information we had, maybe more, and much better skills to evaluate it. With our limited scientific/medical knowledge, we sensed something was very wrong, chose logic and compassion for others, and tried to warn/help them. He chose the nefarious path.

I respect what you do here, the difficulty and time commitment of searching, sifting, and composing a wide range of helpful information and the occasional humorous break. You put yourself at risk and are a patriot. I haven't changed my belief in you over this. But, campbell (who I haven't heard has apologized for his crimes-not that it would excuse him) deserves no compassion and no break just because he's possibly "flipped" now. If you don't see that, we'll agree to disagree.

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100% - the guy is one of the chosen ones, a gatekeeper, controlling the narrative.

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Dog, I hear you loud and clear. I confess that some of my posts are written with the purpose of nudging the normies. But I think said normies are already hard-wired to be in the cult. So that's why I soft-ball and look for messengers that aren't considered 'radical.' But my position on medical, financial, expression freedom is unchanged and absolute. Goes for gun rights too. If you were to ask my husband, I'm an off-grid nut-job. I'll strive to be more clear in future posts. Appreciate your subscription and how deeply you care!

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We're all good, I've got your back, and we're fighting the good fight!

I have a worthy topic not postable here if you can ping this: dog1776@hotmail.com

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Campbell is a gatekeeper, always has been. Like Jane Ruby, who pretends to be a medical doctor, Campbell is a nurse who confuses his followers into thinking he's a medical doctor. Why did he survive the YouTube cleansing of truth tellers? Because he's a chosen gatekeeper that they promote. I'm shocked by this post on Campbell, we've known he was amongst the chosen gatekeepers from the time he was shoved down our throats, like Robert Malone, Sasha Latypova, Pierre Kory, Peter McCullough, Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose and the other grifters who have been controlling the narrative for years. They've ALL had a role to play.

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He’s still keeping his boss’s narrative though

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