Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023Liked by EmilyTVProducer

This is a straight up psych op by the US gov. The military complex needs a war and an enemy. So they put up balloons, blaming China and then attack their own people (not yet at least, well they committed genocide via the mRNA injection, another story for another day.) Just like 9/11. Collateral damage. People need to start using critical thinking instead of giving into the fear and demise narratives. Will bad things happen? Yes, but it wont be from a foreign enemy, it'll be from the enemy within the US borders, The US Military Complex. The gov is using propaganda against the American people since Obama and the NDAA. Believe nothing, question everything.

Pentagon testing mass surveillance balloons across the US (old article)


DoD Statement on High-Altitude Surveillance Balloon

Read this carefully. Not a single mention of the threat. Why? It's most likely owned by the U.S. and not a foreign threat.


And then of course you have this. Serious? Do they really believe the American people are this stupid. The answer, Yes.

Oh Good Grief. US Military Fears China May Reach Balloon Wreckage Before They Can Get There – Proper Salvage Vessel Won’t Be There For Days


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Straight up PSYOP!

I said to my husband that yes, I am fearful of a lot of stuff. But I'm fearful of the stuff we should really be afraid of! Thank you for these links!

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Totally agree. LOTS of distractions these days.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

I wonder if there will be a swathe of new viral infections below the "flightpath".

Those pesky Chinese can't be trusted you know.

Especially not the hollowed out sock puppet in the Whitehouse.

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