Liar liar pants on fire. Climate change is a hoax. People fall for that garbage though, all brainwashed from repeated lies.

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so sick of it

and they buy into all this globalist greenwashing b.s. -- which is anathema to a healthy environment!

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The Carbon Hysteria Church are having a hard time of it these days.

Damn those objective data!

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The biggest natural disaster in modern history was the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipeline but Ukraine

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I did a big "HUH?" when this dreck was first spewed out. In the late 1970's, the climate outlook was: "We're going to freeze to death in a glacier!" In the 2000's, a mere 30 years later, "We're going to boil to death or drown in melting glaciers!"

Climate may change, but in geologic time or, put simply, millennia. Thousands of years. Study real science.

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You win today's award for Finest Use of the Word Dreck!

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Love it!

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