Super small, super light EVs might serve a purpose in urban and even suburban settings but otherwise they are a pose and probably on balance would be overall worse for the environment than regular gas vehicles when ALL aspects are considered, including mining and disposal. Ebikes, on the other hand, I love. We need a balanced approach to energy production and utilization instead of the madness and impoverishment they are subjecting us to.

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I bought an EV for a few reasons. It’s virtually maintenance free, no oil changes, no fluids, really nothing. The main reason however is because it’s crazy fun to drive. When you stomp the accelerator you get the same sensation as when you’re taking off on an airplane. It really is insane and I pretty much drive like a maniac most of the time.

I wasn’t really aware of the benefit (or not) to the environment. I did get a few compliments after I bought the car which prompted some research on my part. After probably thousands of hours and many books and videos I came to learn the ugly truth about the anthropogenic global warming lie.

Now I’m a little conflicted. One the one hand, I’ve really helped the Earth by purchasing a car that has already emitted more CO2 than any comparable ICE car ever will. I’ve done my part to help the plants have a bit more food. On the other hand, I’m sure the children who mined the rare earth minerals for my batteries have probably died of cancer or black lung disease or whatever, so that sucks. I try not to think about it too much (as I’m typing on my iPhone that some slave made). First world problems indeed, at least for now.

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