LMAO When my phone pinged I had an email I didn't expect it to say...I love this expression: eat a bag of dicks. 🤣🤣🤣 But yeah that's what I think about the 'misinformation' communists! We all know things will continually get worse, but doesn't mean we have to go along with it NOR not fight it! Like someone and I were saying today...it's all about accountability. When I die I only have to answer for ME, MYSELF, AND I! When God asks why didn't you stand up against this or that...saying well everybody else went along...or what could just I do...won't be suffice. I have no doubt God secretly thinks the same thing...maybe not in those exact words...but same meaning. lol I know God doesn't separate sin, but I seriously believe there's bigger fish to fry than using a naughty word. If not I'll have to ask for forgiveness, because I laughed entirely too hard and totally agree! 🤭😆

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hahahahaha I'm the worst! So unladylike...

I didn't take His name in vain. And I'm willing to bet He has a sense of humor and would let me off the hook, if I did -- in jest.

I'll have to use more clickbait in my headlines!

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I think we are sister's from another mister! I always say...my God says this or that and DEFINITELY has a sense of humor. I truly believe God addresses how He can reach us! Like the Christian rock bands with all the tats and used to do drugs. God knows to use people like that because some holy roller in a polo wouldn't reach that crowd! I told my oldest son that one time and he'd recently heard a sermon saying same thing...that we all have OUR God! My God is sarcastic to me because He KNOWS I'll know it's Him and it will get His point across! I'll keep clicking on that clickbait too! I😂 We HAVE to laugh through the tears! Regardless of anything else I do KNOW God wants us to laugh and be happy...in all circumstances. 🤗

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God totally messes with me: little things...to make sure I'm paying attention and staying humble.

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Does anyone on this planet fall for this crap? Unfortunately millions or billions.

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So many...

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