Originally appearing in/on Reclaim The Net
STOP USING CREDIT (slavery) CARDS! I pay cash for everything. That’s exactly why TPTSB want to eliminate crap fiat (also slavery). At least with cash, no one has record of your every move.
For now, it's a combo. And I need to get more physicial metal...in addition to some kind of crypto.
I pay off my card monthly; so at least in that regard, I'm not a debt slave.
STACK!😉 If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it!
STOP USING CREDIT (slavery) CARDS! I pay cash for everything. That’s exactly why TPTSB want to eliminate crap fiat (also slavery). At least with cash, no one has record of your every move.
For now, it's a combo. And I need to get more physicial metal...in addition to some kind of crypto.
I pay off my card monthly; so at least in that regard, I'm not a debt slave.
STACK!😉 If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it!