Jan 28, 2023·edited Jan 28, 2023Liked by EmilyTVProducer

As we who are awake continue to see the insane try to change the world for their demented pleasure of all things, while at the same time telling the population they need to do as they are told so they can save them. I'm not sure how many agree with eating bugs but I do know it is not healthy to do so. I can visualize these people sitting around their fancy tables being waited on and discussing what they think we need or how to control us completely. I can see their smug faces thinking they are above any human decency, morals, laws or need in anyway to help anyone other than themselves. Makes me sick and I hope in the very near future we get to see the look on their faces when they are taken down. Enough of the crimes against humanity.

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Thank you for this information. It is more in-depth than what I have already. I PDF filed this info of course. Thanks again Emily.

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I did too!

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