Don’t forget all the money for chest binders and tuckable underwear

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Transhumanism sounds dystopian

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It's the end of humanity.

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As soon as I started reading it, I was like I know the Pritsker family is involved in this! Sure enough there they are!

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Their fat, filthy fingerprints are all over everything sick and evil.

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I’m sorry this actually made me laugh 😂, but you’re right 😂

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Inverse reality is the new reality.

Uniparty tactics. I don't believe any republicans are clean on this. Maybe some are, but there's no way to discern them, so all of Washington is guilty to me.

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Yes, Dog

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So, outside of "use cash," how do we fight back? And and all ideas are welcome.

My only thought is to scream far and wide "CBDCs are racist, because many people of color don't want a bank account."

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That's a start.

Otherwise, prep.

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The RINO wing of the UniParty caves again. It's almost like... oh well.

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