This is because Trump has been consumed by the swamp. He’s a RINO at this point, not substantially different than a democrat. This is why he’s getting backed by big money.
This is 2016 Trump when he was busy pissing off everyone except normal people. He doesn’t sound anything like this now. He sounds like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz. America First has been co-opted by bad people and Trump is letting it happen.
I know. I feel like I’m back to McCain and Obama. South Park douche or turd sandwich.
I was on the Trump train in 2016, went to rallies, hung the flag, etc. He wasn’t surrounded by these kinds of people back then. He didn’t sound like he does now. The RNC convention, his RNC convention didn’t resemble a Jim Rose traveling sideshow circus. I don’t want a big tent filled with trannies and black satanic porn stars. I want to hear about deporting everyone and locking Joe Biden up. I want to hear about dismantling the deep state. The RNC convention was not much different than a DNC convention from the Obama era. I’m not going to just go along with that.
They shot him a few days before the convention because if he’s gone Haley is the nominee and she’s all in on all wars.
Let me ask you, does Trump sound anything like he did in the clip above from 2016? He didn’t sound like a run of the mill Republican then, did he? How about now?
Ya right 😵💫 The assassination attempt occurred because the dweeb wanted fame. Killing a presidential candidate is front page news. Yes, there was censorship of the actual videos of Trump surviving the attempt, but in reality, the crook/murderer got what he wanted. He googled information on Lee Harvey Oswald before the attack. Nope, he wasn’t checking out Truth Social or wondering what the RNC platform was going to include. Good try though, Hairy.
I’m glad he woke up, the authoritarians were in his face all along
It's maddening. And it's getting only worse.
This is because Trump has been consumed by the swamp. He’s a RINO at this point, not substantially different than a democrat. This is why he’s getting backed by big money.
This is 2016 Trump when he was busy pissing off everyone except normal people. He doesn’t sound anything like this now. He sounds like Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz. America First has been co-opted by bad people and Trump is letting it happen.
This is a huge concern.
But the thought of Harris...
I know. I feel like I’m back to McCain and Obama. South Park douche or turd sandwich.
I was on the Trump train in 2016, went to rallies, hung the flag, etc. He wasn’t surrounded by these kinds of people back then. He didn’t sound like he does now. The RNC convention, his RNC convention didn’t resemble a Jim Rose traveling sideshow circus. I don’t want a big tent filled with trannies and black satanic porn stars. I want to hear about deporting everyone and locking Joe Biden up. I want to hear about dismantling the deep state. The RNC convention was not much different than a DNC convention from the Obama era. I’m not going to just go along with that.
There is nothing erroneous about what you just said. But she will take the guns to control the food and medical freedom. She's Pol Pot.
Don’t worry, I’ll only be voting for Harris if I happen to die before November. If that happens I guess I’ll be voting Democrat for the rest of time 🫤
I'm gonna get lost in a boating accident.
That'll be why they shot him.......
They shot him a few days before the convention because if he’s gone Haley is the nominee and she’s all in on all wars.
Let me ask you, does Trump sound anything like he did in the clip above from 2016? He didn’t sound like a run of the mill Republican then, did he? How about now?
Maybe he learned to play the game with the existing rules and the current nest of vipers.
There are several things that irk me about Trump, but I believe him to be a good man and likely the only one who could possibly save America.
Not sure about RFK, while most of the others except Rand Paul and Massie, seem to be deceitful snakes.
We are at a point where we're forced to pick the lesser of evils. No offense, Evil H! ha ha ha
I think DJT is a good man. IMPERFECT as fuck, but a well-intentioned human being with mad skillz...
Ya right 😵💫 The assassination attempt occurred because the dweeb wanted fame. Killing a presidential candidate is front page news. Yes, there was censorship of the actual videos of Trump surviving the attempt, but in reality, the crook/murderer got what he wanted. He googled information on Lee Harvey Oswald before the attack. Nope, he wasn’t checking out Truth Social or wondering what the RNC platform was going to include. Good try though, Hairy.
You do realise that my comment was sarcasm?
Thanks EH! You gave me an opportunity to share my thoughts. Sarcasm is a powerful tool for free speech. 😉
You guys are so cool.