Unfortunately, EmilyTVProducer is right, in our opinion.

"Mass civil, as in peaceful, disobedience!" is the best, and maybe the only way to take down the regime, before it evolves into a true leftist/Marxist totalitarian dictatorship, as has happened to many nations in the last 100 years. It's coming here. Time is running out...

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Every time one of these happens, it warms my heart. On the other hand, they’ll use it as an excuse for a blockchain ID.

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True, but they won't need excuses.. They will try no matter what.

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They don't need excuses now. They can do whatever they want. Nobody is going to stop them. 'Civil Disobedience' is not a deterrent for them. It is but a temporary nuisance that can be remedied by locking up anyone that disagrees with them. Just ask any of the J6'ers 🤐

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