Apr 19Liked by EmilyTVProducer

So.... going off the deep end here.

There's a guy by the name of Clif High (on Substack as well) that does what he call predictive linguistics. Kind of Jungian Universal Mind meets Nostradamus with computers.

In any case, he started talking about the concept of Hypernovelty last year, and did a podcast that mentioned it in January. Basically, the dust is clearing, we're beginning to see the world as it really is, and it's not pleasant. Lots of people (aka 'the normies') are going to snap because they can't handle it. I fear self-immolation guy is one of them that could not handle it.

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Apr 19Liked by EmilyTVProducer

Wow Emily, this is interesting! He doesn’t sound nuts at all! He sounds like he’s sane, in an insane world.

I think we’ll be seeing some intense, crazy stuff in the coming days.

And I understand how he feels.

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Wait, the Simpsons ISN’T a mind control thing?

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Apr 20Liked by EmilyTVProducer

It is sad how we see so many people who want revenge, or who believe they are irrelevant and if they don’t go out of this world in some spectacular way, no one will care. Suicide by police is another example of this. This is just another example of people literally dying for attention! It isn’t a new phenomenon as first responders see people make dumb, emotional decisions all the time. A man who was rejected by his girlfriend poured gasoline on himself and lit himself on fire so she would feel something towards him. Then there was the guy who knocked on the door of his x’s home and when she opened it up, he blew himself away with a gun to get back at her. Nothing new here, MSM just wants us all to believe life is hell and isn’t worth living as people are intellectually equal to lemmings jumping off the cliffs and into the sea. 🌊 Jumping off of bridges used to get attention, and so did people jumping out of skyscrapers. MSM loves these stories. They love jerking our chains with these stories.

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What type of programing do you produce?

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