Why expecting your real estate to protect your freedom & future is super naive...
As a Los Angeles homeowner, I have first-hand experience in this department.
I did a copy-paste of my pal’s Substack, so I could change the subject line to get the attention of a different audience.
Get Ready For 2024, You'll Own Nothing
And those you pay with your taxes will make sure of it.
NOV 15, 2023
Posting has been slow. I had to get a new computer, and moving everything over has been taking longer than expected. With that said, here we go!
It’s unbelievable how Americans allow tax-paid tyranny to continue. We’re now at a time where modern society makes the Boston Tea Party look like a picnic. In those days, when men existed, tyrants were tarred and feathered. Today, they’re elected to office. I now believe none can claim this won’t affect them because the way it’s set, everyone, no matter who you are, will deal with slavery through taxation.
Taxation, mind you, which was never ratified and not legal. But because judges are in the pockets of the banker cartel, unless people go 100% non-compliant, it won’t end.
Think about this: with inflation through the roof, they increase taxes? Does that make sense to you? Me either. Where I live, my property taxes doubled this year without warning. Why? It’s how they can steal your house from under you.
Can’t pay the tax, foreclose. Also, they raised insurance. If your house is bank owned; if you’re paying a mortgage and can’t pay the insurance, foreclosed.
When they said, “You’ll own nothing and like it,” they weren’t kidding. They’ll hit you from every angle as they know the American people don’t have the fucking balls to take a stand.
Yes, I dropped an F-Bomb, and if that offended you, while illegal taxes do not, then maybe you should unsubscribe. Because where I come from, the only way to save us is to keep it real and stop eating political feces.
No one’s coming to save us. So unless we stand as one, ready… Yup, you guessed it, we’re fucked.