Why does waterfront-estate-and-private-jet-owner, climate-grifter-eugenicist Bill Gates wants to chop down trees?
Let's examine a few nauseating developments in the world of erasing your access to real food.
In advance, a hat-tip to The Redacted podcast.
You can watch their analysis of what follows here (time code 1:29:15 through 1:49:05).
Consider the following.
‘Member the good old days, when environmentalists used to promote greening the planet with trees? Yeah, that science has been replaced with a new cult movement championed by unelected corporatist Bill Gates. He wants to chop ‘em down and bury them — in the name of CLIMATE CHANGE, of course.
Some have speculated that he’s speculating on wood and carbon credits (that YOU pay for via inflation or taxes — one and the same, actually). Sounds about right.
But wait! It just so happens this greedy psychopath’s plan to deforest the planet might be related to the fact that he stands to make even more bank on his safe & effective (™) fruit-preserver spray, Apeel.
The Approved Internet (™) and Pravda-esque Fact Checkers (™) say you’re a COnspIRacy tHeorist (™) for thinking this shit is poison. Well, sorry SNOPES, et al, it is and they’re lying to us...AGAIN.
In order to manufacture quantities of this slime at scale, one would need a good amount of land for soybean and rapeseed crops.
Apeel brags about its purified mono-and diglycerides, a food ingredient that is found in a variety of foods. According to Dr. Josh Axe, mono-and diglycerides are “the go-to replacement for deadly trans fats and a food industry staple that helps keep oil and fat from separating. (Vani) Hari (The Food Babe) explains that this additive is a byproduct of oil processing, including partially hydrogenated canola and soybean oils. This additive is a byproduct of oil processing which contains artificial trans fat – a danger food ingredient known to cause coronary heart disease and linked to 50,000 fatal heart attacks a year.”
Couple this with Epstein-buddy Billy G’s effort to ram lab-grown meats down your throat. More on that friendship is embedded in the yummy image — if anyone wants a mainstream source. Hover over image or click.
Back to the meat (poor choice of word there): His fairy tale of bioengineered animal protein TO SAVE THE PLANET is yet more bullshit. This is from UC Davis.
Lab-grown meat, which is cultured from animal cells, is often thought to be more environmentally friendly than beef because it’s predicted to need less land, water and greenhouse gases than raising cattle. But in a preprint, not yet peer-reviewed, researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found that lab-grown or “cultivated” meat’s environmental impact is likely to be “orders of magnitude” higher than retail beef based on current and near-term production methods.
Just fucking stop, BBC.
Seeds from genetically modified barley plants are being used in a process which creates lab-grown meat.
A protein in the seeds, called a growth factor, is harvested, milled and purified before it can be used.
While the first growth factors came from animals, it is hoped this barley plant method will be cheaper and scalable.
Here I remind you that Gates and his globalist gatekeepers have deliberately destroyed the food supply, natural habitats, and access to energy (with the help of governments who no longer serve their People). Because: CLIMATE CHANGE! POPULATION EXPLOSION!
Emily, are you implying geoengineering might be in play here?! I’m not saying...wait, yes I am. There’s no conceivable way technology isn’t being leveraged to enhance the ‘climate’ of fear. Go down that rabbit hole, when you have time.
Last item: not even the real whole-food vegans can escape this dinnertime dystopia. To wit: New Zealand — a country that oppressed citizens and then lied about it during Covid 1.0 is developing lab-grown fruit. (Of course, this too is to combat what the Orwell crowd is now marketing as ‘food insecurity’ which of course is YOUR fault for having kids.)
And the Scientists (™) say you must ADAPT!
How consumers need to adapt
Experts believe that the lab-grown fruit concept can only take off if consumers show a willingness to do away with conventional approaches.
“Older generations might prove to be hesitant but research shows that younger generations are willing to try new foods if those foods offer health benefits while limiting environmental impact,” said Rashidinejad.
MASS CIVIL NONCOMPLIANCE and REJECTION OF THIS GARBAGE IS A MUST. Put these people out of business before they put more toxins into human beings’ bodies, making us sicker and deader.
It seems like Bill Gates, son of a eugenicist who has killed/maimed quite a few people in the third world with his so called "vaccines" needs people to die faster. Hence fake meat, blocking the sun, destroying trees and so on.