Whoa: THAT's not plastic surgery. That's photoshop.

Curtis Houck @CurtisHouck

Hey @JoeBiden, are you the newest spokesman for @MyPatriotSupply? You helped cook up a war, to cover your corruption. Did the WEF blackmail you the way you blackmailed the Ukraine prosecutor?

Oh hey, if you STILL think the Florida law has anything to do with banning 'gay,' you're stupid as fuck.

1) Let in the Russians at the southern border. This is your war Joe.
2) Why did you fire a Black man with a gay son?

President Biden @POTUS

So, if I were being an idiot, I'd say "Joe Biden is taking away your Covid care -- the 'Trump-era' program that is soon to end." But I'm not. And good riddance.

If I were an idiot (part 2), I'd say, "Racist Joe Don't-Say-Gay Biden fired a Black man with a gay son." But I'm not.

When I worked in cable ‘news,’ we weren’t so obvious about dumbing it down, omitting context, or changing facts. (That’s what we thought of you, btw.) and brings me to this tweet —->

EXPERTS: Destroy Russia because Science & Trump. Destroy Trump because Science & Russia. Destroy Science because Trump & Russia.

No, fuck you. Drill for more oil. This is a backdoor to Socialism/Communism and Klaus' WEF NWO. (p.s. your electric car runs on CARBON.)

The Democrats of today are not the party of the people. They are the party of power and subjugation. This is bullshit.

He deserves to suffer in the dystopian socialist sewer of hostility & mass psychosis he created. And voters deserve to have him here: Ernst second senator to put 'hold' on Garcetti's ambassadorial nomination

In closing: