15) patient or surgeon from infectious contamination.”
Schools in China are now prohibiting students from wearing masks while exercising. Why? Because it was killing them. It was depriving them of oxygen and it was killing them. At least three children died during

16) Physical Education classes -- two of them while running on their school’s track while wearing a mask. And a 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running two and a half miles while wearing a mask.
Like everything, risk/benefit analysis is always necessary.

@pettypodcast1 @KristenMeghan @Tammy_K_Clark feel free to add commentary. I’ll add one more:
Another risk citation:

18) Neil Orr’s study, published in 1981 in the Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England outlined for six months, from March through August 1980, the surgeons and staff in that unit decided to see what would happen if they did not wear masks during surgeries.

19) They wore no masks for six months, and compared the rate of surgical wound infections from March through August 1980 with the rate of wound infections from March through August of the previous four years.

20) They discovered, to their amazement, that when nobody wore masks during surgeries, the rate of wound infections was less than half what it was when everyone wore masks. Their conclusion:

21) “It would appear that minimum contamination can best be achieved by not wearing a mask at all” and that wearing a mask during surgery “is a standard procedure that could be abandoned.”

22) in light of this, and 50+ years of published evidence, do you truly believe that dirty thing on your face is protecting you from an airborne particle 0.09 microns in size? Just stop. It’s a grotesque policy steeped in folklore not science!

1st LARGE COMMUNITY MASKING RCT WITH CHILDREN (~10K/40K were 10-18yo; median age=27yo ), Guinea-Bissau cluster RCT=NULL: “no statistically signif (or clinical) effect on risk of C19-like illness, hosps (8 mask/3 control), or death (57 mask/32 control)” papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cf…

AGAIN: Masks make no difference.
The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks.