Huge shout-out to my friend Dave S., whose curating of information is unequalled!

Why Now? The Curious Case of Multifaceted American Sabotage
A thread by Hoplomachian
Today we are distracted by manipulators in high echelons of power, far beyond our sight. Everyone reading this is like a dog under the table, not privy to what occurs between dinner parties. 1/

We try as best we can to uncover the secret plans of TPTB (and it’s not really that hard most times, they are very stupid), but there are still movements that we can’t anticipate or explain.
This is why it is important to catalog “small” events as part of the larger picture. 2/

In this thread, I hope to inform you on events that might me coincidental, but should gravely concern you when understood in concert with one another.
Let’s first start with the strange specter of “food shortages”. What does that phrase really mean? 3/

I think it is easy to dismiss warnings of peril because Americans today have not experienced any sort of domestic turmoil the likes of which we are anticipating today.
Let me share some weird “coincidences” that I hope will make you feel otherwise.

Last year, farmers began receiving orders to burn their crops. They were threatened with financial penalties and seizure, so many were forced to run destroy their crops.
This sort of thing isn’t outlandish, the Feds have been tyrannically regulating markets for a long time. 4/

Before we talk about more recent event, also we must remember the insane supply chain disruptions that have been conveniently memory holed from the American mind.
Consequences of boats lingering in harbors, ships stuck in canals, trucking shortages, have NOT been realized. 5/

We forget to our own detriment these issues, and in doing so these problems get laid up in “calamity storage”, where they join with other issues to eventually burst the dam all at the same time.
This is important for later. Feel the weight of older habbenings. 6/

Recently there have been some strange “coincidences” regarding food.
- US govt signs orders to use more ethanol in fuel
- US farmers continue to be told to destroy crops
- (here’s a wacky one) MULTIPLE food processing plants in the US destroyed or disabled 7/

Let’s briefly talk about the situation abroad. Russia and Ukraine are both significant grain producers. For obvious reasons, they will not be exporting their usual supplies for the foreseeable future. Other foreign nations are nationalizing food production… 8/

…particularly those who ostensibly rely on foreign imports to sustain their populations.
The US has not done anything of the sort, but why would we? The US is a MAJOR food exporter to the world. Hell, we sell soybeans to China.
“We’ll be fine!” Says the American. 9/

I too am happy I live in a bread basket. But one thing concerns me, in a time where our food production is so valuable, why is it actively being curtailed by govt entities and simultaneously “random” acts like planes crashing into processing plants?
Hang on folks. 10/

Food is the next target for American submission. The manipulation of food will be used to demand American obedience, just like Covid.
“Americans will revolt if they take our food!” -sayeth the boomer
I wish I shared your certainty. Stalin used food as a weapons. It worked. 11/

When you are hungry, you’re not worrying about trannies in schools or tyrannical executive actions. You’re worried about how to keep your daughter from starving.
It’s a devious tactic, but it works. 12/

What’s the solution? I don’t know. You can’t shoot and kill a food shortage. And once it’s here, it won’t be gone for long while the machine spoils back up again.
My advise? Get some chickens, plant a ton of potatoes in a trash can if you have to. Horde rice and beans. 13/

We are all going on the patented “Globohomo Diet”, so at least we’ll look nice and thin.
Stay that pistol, private. The time for shields and spears shall come, but you need to be fed when it does. Find friends, close geographically and close ideologically. 14/

Make friends with a farmer. Here’s a good tip, check out S2 Underground and their “War Kitchen” series on YouTube (linked below).

Already seeing things I’m mad I left out 😡 don’t forget about the mass culling of chickens “because they had covid!” What a load of crap, convenient too.

Disappointed in all the spelling errors I am seeing. I blame it on writing a thread on iPhone. Silly of me. Hoping all readers can still get some value out of my ramblings.
In closing:
Here’s a little history about who’s been working to undermine humanity and usher in a new world of scarcity, desperation, and suffering. This isn’t to say that every person who voted for Joe Biden hasn’t played a roll in accelerating doom.