The World Economic Forum wants you braindead or dead-dead
Remember Aidous Huxley in Brave New World?

This sounds like an insane conspiracy theory from hell: WEF collecting information on everyone everywhere, and then telling all platforms what posts to remove, based on a global decision-making AI engine that sees everything and can identify individual people and ideas beyond any given platform.
If someone ever said that it would be contemplated, I would probably think that this person is insane. It sounds like a sick technological fantasy. Unfortunately, this crazy stuff is real, is in a WEF agenda proposal that is officially posted on their website’s “WEF Agenda” section. And WEF is not messing around.
Of course, this AI content moderation slots straight into the AI social credit score system. And if your social credit score dips below whichever technocommunist AI thresholds as set by the elites, then all kinds of punishments will be meted out, from slashed UBI credits to bug-food rationing to an early granting of the “freedom” to be euthanized.
I love you guys, but not in the creepy way!
Good news comrade. Due to your compliance and faith in the Dear Leader’s brilliance instituting the Glorious Recession, your cricket protein ration has been increased from 10 grams per day to 5 grams per day!
So crazy, I watched Division 19 on Prime last night and this movie was made in 2019 and I thought they are literally telling us how they want things to be. 🤬