I dunno — I think this video would make a fun ringtone! Whatever you do, don’t RT it.

You’ve heard of #DNR. It’s time we have #DNV—Do Not Vaccinate
❌ No Forced Vaccination(s) without consent
❌ No transfusions from vaccine-tainted blood
❌ No Exceptions
#PureBlood #PureBloodVindication #PfizerLiedPeopleDied
#BroughtToYouByPfizer $PFE
The Approved Internet (™) quickly scrubbed itself of any trace of Dr. Jordan Walker. But not before some very resourceful independent sleuths in the anti-genocide movement got receipts.
How insane is it that the manufacturer can pay the mainstream media to promote a toxic experemental gene therapy as good and safe while it kills and cripples with no repercussions. We know of the democrat's in the USA and the liberal government in Canada is all for this deception to the population as well as any other immoral act they want to impose. I listened to a video where they are telling Canadians the un jabbed are the cause for 2800 more deaths that could have been avoided. This was the Canadian Press and CBC saying it is misinformation that is also the cause.
The population must get control of their governments. They have forgotten that they are employees of the people not rulers as in the dark ages when they could do what ever demented thing they wanted to do to the people. It is our birth right to protect our selves and our loved ones from anyone or thing that wants to harm us in anyway. Just because insane people want to impose immoral policies and acts it dose not mean we need to comply. Enough is enough. They are criminals with no moral or sense of human decency what so ever.