Cognitive dissonance or tacit admission?
Select Quote (insurance agency) & countless media outlets using "died suddenly" in their copy...
I think for SQ, they're aware of the actuarial data associated with mandated shots & are looking to profit in what's left of the free market.

'Member when we told you they'd morph Covid propaganda into Climate Communism...and label you a terrorist for opposing lockdowns?
Also boys, if Climate's your religion, be ready to make every day Lent. Better walk the walk -- literally.

Thank you so much for making the population sicker and more addicted, Governor Munchausen-by-Proxy! https://t.co/WvviLmrFKQ

Gavin Newsom @GavinNewsom

Good news, California! @GavinNewsom is coming out with our own state brand of insulin! Gosh, all you had to do was apologize for pushing the experimental shots. But I'm sure some people will line up for more government juice.

Agree, for the reason stated below...
The Constitution doesn't apply in Blue jurisdictions.
These people are sociopathic mental cases and they have the upper hand.

Ron Coleman @RonColeman

Freddy Puza @FreddyPuzaCC

Prediction: Soon after normies regret signing up to have corporate-tech-gov't count their carbon use, they'll fantasize about a long, hot shower at the hotel on vacation. But guess what? By then, your hotel will track your use...and charge you. Because MONEY, control & tyranny...

The corporate neo-fascists running the country will nationalize your business once you can't afford to run it any more. That's the purpose of virus fear-mongering, iatrogenic death, lockdowns, printing money, hyperinflation, climate doom propaganda, chaos & crime. Duh: no?

It's hard to have courage when the consequences of sticking your neck out are having your head chopped off.