Our tax dollars are funding the development of media-monitoring products that can be deployed to censor ordinary Americans via Big Tech. @ProfMJCleveland

The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine
Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”

@mtaibbi @JeremyRedfernFL These tactics and tools to suppress COVID dissent were pioneered with climate change censorship efforts: Blacklists, fact-checking, and massive scale ML algorithms.
The same cast of characters operates in this domain today. Looking forward to the #TwitterFiles on climate 🧐

@mtaibbi @JeremyRedfernFL Censored: most certainly @ShellenbergerMD and other folks including @BjornLomborg @RogerPielkeJr @JohnStossel
The White House redefined "climate denial" to be disagreement with admin during legislative debate over Green New Deal type policy.

@mtaibbi @JeremyRedfernFL @ShellenbergerMD @BjornLomborg @RogerPielkeJr @JohnStossel A few months prior, the White House science office hosted a virtual roundtable [political] discussion on countering "climate delayism" focused upon combating opponents to urgent climate action.

“DELAYISM” is a new Clown World word, I guess. It postpones fascist corporate profit-taking & oppression of free-range human beings globally.
Get ready for more ANTI-VAXXER-isms and soon: ANTI-CHIPPERs.
Probably already doing this: https://thinkcivics.com/us-special-operations-to-use-deepfakes-for-propaganda-psyops/