If your neighbor tries to make small-talk about the 'hottest days' news...
Set him straight or change the subject
While REAL pollution emergencies go unchecked and get worse, the useful idiots in media have begun feeding us a steady diet of a brutal hotter-than-ever summer. Because: emissions-created climate change, of course. It’s Club of Rome crap, being pimped by the Totalitarians, who have every intention of living a carnivorous, jet-setting life of leisure and pleasure (and unimaginably evil debauchery — #SoundOfFreedom).
We knew they would slide into climate quackery after their Covid scheme ran out of steam (although those shots are still having the intended effect on fertility and life expectancy).
Even though Elon Musk’s Twitter is a limited hangout run by the Deep State (2nd h/t to
), I highly recommend following this guy’s account — and my friend Marc Morano’s too: at-climatedepot.HERE’s a link to that piece:
YOU’ll want to read this too:
Even NOAA "Runs Away" From 'Hottest Day Ever' Claim After Media Hysteria
In closing, remember how they suspended the Constitution during the Coof, trampling on civil liberties and human rights? Do you think for a minute they won’t declare a public health emergency again? Does anyone think Electric Vehicles are anything other than giant surveillance boxes on wheels? Do bears shit in the woods?
In the meantime, even if you can’t make it out to see ‘Sound of Freedom,’ you can support the film the pedos love to hate, by purchasing a ‘pay it forward’ ticket here.
Keep your head on a swivel. Question everything. Remain humble. Never follow immoral or amoral orders, rules, or laws.
Tony Heller on Rumble (realclimateacience.com) has been a valuable resource for me for many years. He’s a data guy and backs everything up. I’d recommend checking him out.