How to know if you're a California standards
(Since there are no testing facilities available at the moment, here's a handy list of...symptoms.)
A very left-leaning, classic LA Liberal once told me he was called a right-winger by someone who was apparently appalled by the fact he questioned a mayor’s office policy on the environment. To protect his identity, I’m being purposely vague. Suffice it to say, he was right on point and right to be dubious.
Definitions of political identity along the California spectrum have shifted so far to the left, they make Sonia Sotomayor look like Clarence Thomas. If you don’t swim in our swamp of distorted reality, the following list of virtue violations might come as a shock. But, as Joe Biden would say, “all kidding aside.”
If you check any of the following boxes, YOU might just be a right-winger.
You object to being robbed, burglarized, or vandalized. Because don’t you know, you’re the root cause of the terrible lives the criminals have chosen? It’s certainly not the left-wing political policies.
You criticize Gavin Newsom, even if he’s completely violated ethics, trust, his own mandates, and harmed the working class — including people in the country illegally.
You challenge the wisdom of cutting off natural gas and petrol entirely, to replace it with electricity — which would crash our inadequate grid and be just as filthy. Because solar ain’t cutting it.
You dare speak about the horrors of human feces, used hypodermics, garbage, and human suffering in our public spaces. And you throw shade on the grifters who created this mess by way of their Homeless Industrial Complex.
You challenge the untenable notion of ‘housing first,’ because you know most of the tent-dwelling individuals are there due to their addiction. And housing has rules.
You don’t want your kids to grow up in a place where homelessness is normalized and liberty is demonized.
Also, you don’t want the government raising your kids.
Also (also), you do want to be in charge of your kids’ physical and emotional health. Because: mandates are madness and totally mental.
You own a firearm. This applies to the thousands of Black and Brown registered Democrats who became first-time lawful gun-owners when they saw what the Socialists were doing to our state.
You do think private property ownership is okay, and don’t think you should be taxed out of a home you worked hard to buy. And: you believe work is good.
You fly an American flag anywhere at your home or in/on your car.
You a freelancer and like it that way.
ON THE FLIP SIDE - Here’s one way to spot a Righteous Leftist in California. It’s something I notice on a daily basis in my neighborhood, when walking the pups. The Righteous Leftist expects others to do their dirty work. I pick up a ton of crap from the street on a daily basis: discarded masks, fast food trash (plastic straws too!), dog poop bags with smushed doody in them, candy wrappers, delivery envelopes, real estate flyers, and Gatorade bottles. A dishonorable mention goes to the climate-change, virtue-signaling hysterics in my area who don’t break down their Amazon boxes or crush plastic bottles (which they all use) before chucking them in the blue bins. They’re all hoarders too. Some properties look like junk yards. If you want to see ‘Broken Windows’ in action, visit any of the LA neighborhoods where the trashy LA Times is home-delivered.
Got anything to add to either category? Please feel free to do so in the comments section!