How quercetin works its magic
And why it's among the supplements Big Pharma intends to have regulated out of existence
What is it?
Quercetin is an antioxidant oral supplement available OTC. It falls into a category of organic compounds that facilitate the transport of ions across the cell membrane called ionophores. And when combined with Zinc, they’re an effective way to fight off getting a cold, the flu, or the novel coronavirus.
Other Zinc ionophores are Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, though the Approved Internet (™) will insist this is not so.
A very smart emergency response physician once made this analogy: Zinc is the bullet. Quercetin is the gun.
Pew Pew!
Why do I believe it’s magical?
I have been reaping the benefits for 3 years. During ‘Omicron,’ I was surrounded, in close quarters, by a sickie who most likely had it. But we don’t test. We stay home. So who knows.
I’d avoided most everything save for a day of sniffles, up until Christmas 2021 — and figured I’d surely come down with something. I was wrong. By upping my usual dose from 500 mg Quercetin in the morning, combined with 20 mg Zinc, to 1000 mg (morning & night) — I somehow stayed clear of whatever was going around. The sickie did the same.
As an aside, a white hat physician of mine recommended a Lugol’s Iodine gargle. You can do a nasal rinse and swab your nostrils too. There’s a lot online.
I did the gargle-swab combo during the ‘Cron.
And I whip out that amber bottle & dropper any time I suspect something’s coming on.
But wait, there’s science!
Who better to let speak through the echoes of his very own study, than Dr. Ralph Baric (Ding-dong! Yep, he was one of the gain-of-function monsters tied to Fauci and the Wuhan lab). To this day, and as far as the Approved Internet (™) is concerned, Baric has not deviated from his ideological allegiance to Dr. “I am the Science.”
And yet, if you can suspend your disbelief, Baric wrote this paper in 2015, seeming to confirm the benefits of combining Zinc with an ionophore to inhibit coronaviruses. I made a PDF should the aforementioned Approved Internet(™) decide to ‘disappear’ it.
I guess he liked the idea before not liking it so much.
This fantastic Substack writer did the research. In a nutshell, she explains how using herbal compounds teaches your immune system to be an even more effective sentry, guarding against infection & cell deterioration (my word).
MicroRNAs-mediated modification
It has recently been shown that phytochemicals, including resveratrol, EGCG, curcumin, quercetin, 3,3′-diindolylmethane (DIM), sulforaphane, genistein, boswellic acid, silymarin, β-Sitosterol-d-glucoside etc., may regulate the expression of miRNAs to exert their anticancer effects by altering miRNA expression (41).
Pharma’s campaign to crush prevention
Big Pharma is hounding the government to regulate supplements out of existence. More on that below…
To put it simply and bluntly, they don’t want you to have any other option besides their product, be it a viral vector DNA injection, a lipid-nanoparticle-delivered mRNA shot, or the new kid on the block, the Novovax cocktail — which uses insect cells to produce the spike protein (okay, muh, whatever: hard pass).
Additionally, if you’re not in The System, you can’t be managed. We all know who and what The System is, and what I mean by ‘managed.’
So what can you do about it?
Write to your U.S. Senators and the two worthless Republican traitors named in the article I cited, Burr and Braun. Use their web form. Beneath this link, I’ll paste in what I wrote. Use the whole thing or portions thereof. I suggest keeping it short, pithy, and real. Let them know you’re onto them, without sounding like a nut-job.
The other thing to do is make your friends and loved ones aware of this. It could be the one thing that brings the politically-opposite together. There are tree-hugging hippies on the Left and the Right.
Dear Senator Braun, I am not technically your constituent; but since you are one of fifty constituents of the U.S. Senate and a member of the party I belong to, as well as one of the co-sponsors of this very harmful piece of legislation, I am compelled to write. Please reverse course on the Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022, and its inclusion in the FDA Safety Landmark Advancements Act. You guys in the federal government need to stop micro-managing our lives, at the behest of the pharmaceutical lobby. The bill's consequences are dire. We have the right to make our own decisions about medication, medical care, and food. YOUR job is to make sure there's truth in advertising. Thus far, Congress as a whole has failed. This is an email written in a state of panic. Understand the urgency of pushing such a bill. If I didn't know any better, I'd think y'all are trying to leave us defenseless. It's cynical. Please give this some thought.
I love you guys — but not in the creepy way!
I have been using quercitin for years as an antihistamine instead over pharma type products. I recommend it all the time to many of my pet customers for their pets and themselves, so many a person and dog have been helped with quercitin as an antihistamine. It is a wonderful tool to be using. Big pharma just doesn't get it that people will do a work around them and even start up black markets. They can't win in the long run.
Great article Emily!
God's pharmacy always delivers the goods unlike the "Dark Side's" man made poisonous concoctions.